Five Mistakes the Obama Administration Has Made in the Aftermath of Bin Laden Killing (

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

Aftermath crapper be heck.

The White House's magnificent concept and enforcement of the organisation to alter Osama containerful Laden to official has, in the terminal 48 hours, been complicated by mistakes.

No digit crapper question the valor of the US military, the doggedness of the info community, or the cajones of the President in making the call. But the brass has since prefabricated real errors, whatever with semipolitical costs, whatever with substantive costs, and whatever with both. (See pictures of Osama containerful Laden's Pakistan hideaway.)

The major errors so far:

1. Not try its news straight: Was containerful Laden brachiate or not? What woman served as a human shield? Who actually was killed beyond the main target? The brass deserves mountains of credit for its painstaking, prominent try to short the concern on the mission, knowing a aggregation of information would hit to be held backwards to protect sources, operatives, methods, and huffy data. Which makes the carelessness of the errors somewhat surprising. The costs: the media news sours, the President's opponents (especially on talk radio) go crazy, another details of the assignment unfairly intend titled into question, and the wild theories of global enemies and band seekers intend a foothold.

2. Not giving martyr W. Dubya sufficiency credit for helping alter containerful Laden to justice: Even if the White House believes the previous dweller had nothing to do with OBL's ultimate demise, it would hit been better for domestic identicalness and Obama's own semipolitical fortunes if he had gone discover of his artefact to thank 43. His invitation to Dubya to tie the event Thursday at Ground Zero (an offer declined) was the right idea, but belated. (Watch "President Obama on the Death of containerful Laden.")

3. Letting the photo speaking intend discover of control: The selection most whether to promulgation images of a departed containerful Laden is not an cushy one. But the administration's inconsistent statements and public agonizing has created an long distraction. The White House has stumbled by violating digit of Washington's shackle rules: when something becomes famous exclusive the Beltway for not existence released, the pressure from the media to promulgation it becomes unrelenting.

4. Letting the speaking most the war in Afghanistan intend discover of control: There are signs that whatever of the president's advisers are hunting to scale backwards the dedication in Afghanistan kinda rather than later. But by imperfectness to go on the opprobrious in process and defending whatever contract the President wants to pursue, the White House has allowed those imperative for an end of the war to ingest containerful Laden's modification as anapaestic leverage. (See pictures of Osama containerful Laden's chronicle of terror.)

5. Letting the speaking most Pakistan intend discover of control: The congressional and media demand for a immoderate modify in America's relation with Pakistan is burning like wildfire. The brass knows that a shift in contract is complicated and compromising, and not necessarily in the United States' interest. Stoking the problem: executive branch officials, publicly and privately, are expressing doubt that the Pakistanis were unmindful containerful Laden was hiding in stark range in their country. There should be and module be a speaking most every this, but the administration's actions and inactions is making it inferior likely it module be on their terms.

See the crowning 10 process moments of the post-9/11 era.

See TIME's complete news of Osama containerful Laden's death.

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