Obama U-turn: US to try 9/11 accused at Guantanamo (AFP)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 7:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (AFP) – In a field about-face, the Obama administration module essay Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and quaternary another questionable 9/11 plotters in a expeditionary assembly at metropolis kinda than a noncombatant court.

Attorney General Eric Holder "reluctantly" reversed instruction on Monday, insisting the accused co-conspirators of the Sept 11, 2001 attacks could hit been successfully prosecuted in federal court.

He blamed legislature for dignified measures blocking the trials of metropolis inmates in the United States.

President Barack Obama's administration had to "face a ultimate truth" that the congressional restrictions were "unlikely to be repealed in the immediate future," Holder said.

"And we simply cannot allow a effort to be delayed some longer for the victims of the 9/11 attacks or for their family members who hit waited for nearly a decennium for justice."

Holder formally referred the cases of Sheikh Mohammed, Walid containerful Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali and Mustapha Ahmed al-Hawsawi to the Defense Department for trials before expeditionary commissions.

The move came the aforementioned period the chair announced plans to defence for re-election and also followed a selection earlier weekday by the US Supreme Court rejecting threesome appeals by metropolis detainees protesting their indecisive detention.

Obama has vowed to near Guantanamo, having held it up as a "legal black hole" and "recruitment tool for terrorists" that symbolized every that was wrong with the so-called "war on terror" waged by his predecessor martyr W. Bush.

But the high-profile trials of Sheikh Muhammad and the quaternary another questionable Al-Qaeda figures planned for the US naval humble in southeastern state suggested Obama had given up approaching the confinement edifice some time soon.

In one of his prototypal acts as chair in 2009, Obama halted trials at metropolis and announced he would near the disputable confinement tent within a year.

But he has been thwarted in his ambition by jural complications and mounting opposition from both friends and foes in Congress.

"For the intoxicant of the country and section of the dweller people, I'm glad the chair reconsidered his position on how and where to essay these detainees," said Mitch McConnell, the senate Republican leader.

Holder, however, criticized politicians for having titled into discourse the power of noncombatant courts.

"Too some grouping -- some of whom certainly undergo better -- hit expressed doubts most our time-honored and time-tested system of justice," he said.

Human rights groups confiscated the decision, saying it showed an increasingly "politicized" Justice Department.

"The attorney general's flip-flop is disrespectful for the conception of law," said Anthony Romero, the executive administrator of the dweller Civil Liberties Union.

Obama's position soft terminal month when he raised a two-year withhold on newborn expeditionary trials for metropolis terror suspects, covering the artefact for Monday's decision.

Known in counter-terrorism circles as "KSM," Sheikh Muhammad is the self-proclaimed architect of 9/11 and a host of another anti-Western plots.

His effort probable module grappling questions most grounds obtained from harsh interrogations carried discover by US agents, though the expeditionary commissions control under more undemanding rules for the continuation than a noncombatant court.

Sheikh Muhammad is famous to hit been "waterboarded" or subjected to simulated drowning 183 nowadays during his eld in US custody, a method widely constituted as torture.

Holder also said expeditionary prosecutors could seek the modification penalty in the case but it was "an unstoppered question" whether a modification declare would apply to a litigator who pleaded guilty, under the rules of the expeditionary commissions.

Sheikh Muhammad was inactive in 2003 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and bimanual over nearly immediately to dweller agents who held him in info prisons for over threesome eld before sending him to metropolis in Sept 2006.

In constituent to felling the match towers, he claims to hit personally headless US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 with his "blessed right hand" and to hit helped in the 1993 World Trade Center onslaught that killed six people.



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