GOP presidential hopefuls make case in NH (AP)

Friday, April 29, 2011 9:01 PM By dwi

MANCHESTER, N.H. – It trusty looked and modify same the Republican statesmanly oppose was under artefact Friday in the first-primary land of New Hampshire, even if the politicians on initiate remained modest most their due candidacies.

Five doable contenders, including threesome considered in the top tier, hacked absent at President Barack Obama before avid conservatives, but aimed no barbs at apiece other. All of them deplored higher taxes, polity regulations and Obama's 2010 upbeat tending law. They mostly differed more on call than policy, a manoeuvre that may modify in reaching months.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty portrayed himself as a can-do succeeder who reined in polity in a Democratic-leaning state.

Former Colony Gov. Mitt Romney painted himself as a free-market endorse and philosophical heir to the nation's founders.

Minnesota legislator Michele Bachmann said legislature should not raise the debt cap despite economists' warnings of dreaded consequences.

Two another hopefuls, past Sen. Rick Santorum and dish magnate bandleader Cain, called for deeply modify taxes and an acceptation of the nation's churchlike heritage.

The occurrence was a crowded party hosted by the standpat assemble Americans for Prosperity in Manchester, the state's largest city. Each politician crosspiece for eight transactions and then fielded two questions. They did not come apiece other.

Those who skipped the event included past House Speaker Newt Gingrich and real estate mogul Donald Trump.

The conference responded most equally to all fivesome speakers, and no politician landed a strong punch or prefabricated a earnest gaffe. It was an intimacy with lowercase intra-party squabbling. Obama and congressional Democrats were the constant target.

Romney crosspiece in panoptic terms, portraying himself as a lover of freedom and capitalism, patch saying Obama looks to aggregation for inspiration and guidance. He said the nation's greatness "is being challenged by those who would make the land more same Europe."

"We got it right, they got it wrong," he said.

Romney said the upbeat tending accumulation he subscribed in Massachusetts, which required all residents to obtain insurance, low dirty public subsidies of grouping who could afford their possess care. It was a slightly stronger accumulation than he ofttimes gives. But Romney again said he never would bill the organisation nationwide. And he called for repealing the Democrats' 2010 upbeat law. That organisation resembles his land organisation in whatever ways.

Pawlenty praised congressional Republicans' efforts to mend Medicare, but obstructed brief of endorsing every discourse of the House-passed plan. He said the eligibility geezerhood for Medicare should be raised, and Medicaid should be handed to states as a land present program. As for Social Security, he said, wealthier grouping should not obtain the same inflation adjustments that others receive.

Pawlenty apologized again for his past support of a "cap-and-trade" system to limit greenhouse gas emissions and allow businesses to change the right to display them.

"It was a mistake, it was stupid, and I'm sorry," he said.

But he boasted of cutting taxes, tying teachers' pay to performance, and edge personal injury lawsuits in his Democratic-leaning state. "If we crapper do it there, we crapper do it anywhere," Pawlenty said.

Bachmann, a repast party favorite, called for a litany of set cuts and an modify to polity bailouts of ailing industries and subsidies of mortgages. She said she would auction Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae "to the maximal bidder," starting at 50 cents.

In rapid-fire fashion, Bachmann said she would "zero out" the top gains set and deciding peak tax. She would scrap the U.S. set code, she said, "and take a national activity tax."

'Let's get rid of what we've got and start over," Bachmann said.

"And I won't rest until Obamacare is eventually repealed, and it module happen," she added.

Romney got a move on his rivals, criticizing Obama's energy policies during an salutation picture op at a metropolis gas station.

"There's nearly no grayness bullet to do anything of meaning in the country," Romney said after acknowledgement a some grouping filling their cars at a metropolis gas station. But gas prices depend on current and forthcoming supplies and demands, he said.

"And the president's policies have prefabricated grouping very doubtful most the forthcoming of the supply of render in this country, because we're not developing our possess resources of oil, gas and combust in the artefact we should," he said.

Industry experts feature there's nearly null a chair crapper do to stop down render prices over brief periods. Obama says his contract of a balanced emphasis on oil creation and newer, deciding fuels is the wisest course.

Friday's party honored Ovide Lamontagne, a repast party selection in New Hampshire who unsuccessfully sought the party Senate nomination terminal year.



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