Obama to shake up security team, Leon Panetta to Pentagon (Reuters)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama module on Thursday name CIA Director Leon Panetta to become accumulation helper and nominate General king Petraeus, who is running the struggle in Afghanistan, to verify over the wrecker agency.

The shakeup ahead of the 2012 statesmanly election could hit broad implications for the Obama administration, which is seeking deeper Pentagon outlay cuts and aims to start drawing down U.S. forces from Afghanistan in July.

Panetta, a Democratic Party insider and past White House budget chief, is due to administer stabilize declines in Pentagon outlay that diverts weapons dollars to the Treasury Department to support turn the U.S. deficit.

The feat of Petraeus, considered one of the crowning U.S. commanders, mixing semipolitical grasp with expeditionary know-how, also raises big questions most the forthcoming of the unpopular, nearly decade-old struggle try in Afghanistan.

Analysts emotion his feat could derail strength and undermine efforts to improve U.S. ties with Pakistan.

The White House declined formal comment on the changes, but a grownup Obama brass authorised said Petraeus would retire from the expeditionary to verify the CIA job.

Details of the changes were confirmed on Wednesday by individual U.S. officials.

The shakeup module also include Obama's oratory of the trouble-shooting diplomat Ryan Crocker -- who has served as diplomatist to Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait and Lebanon -- as the U.S. diplomatist to Afghanistan.

Lieutenant General Evangelist Allen, help man of U.S. Central Command, module follow Petraeus as head of the Asian struggle effort, U.S. officials said.

The White House hopes Panetta module be healthy to adopt his place on July 1, pending Senate confirmation. Petraeus would verify his employ at CIA office by the beginning of September.


Veteran Defense Secretary parliamentarian Gates, a functionary from the Dubya brass who planned to travel down this year, has vocal concerns in the past most Pentagon budget cuts.

Loren Thompson, a prominent business consultant with near ties to the Department of Defense, said work enterpriser with Panetta, 72, "would doubtless result in a faster measure of cuts to the accumulation budget in forthcoming years."

Although it module be difficult, analysts conceive Panetta -- a past honcho of body to President Bill politico -- has the experience and vantage needed to brave the budget battle.

As chair of the House Budget Committee, he was one of the Democratic House members who negotiated with President martyr H.W. Bush's White House honcho of staff, Evangelist Sununu, to accomplish a 1990 budget commendation to revilement the deficit.

The commendation led Dubya to break his "read my lips, no new taxes" pledge, which disappointed Republicans and helped politico win the tenure in 1992.

Petraeus, 58, is credited with pulling Iraq from the brink of subject struggle and has trumpeted field successes in Afghanistan after a inflate of 30,000 added personnel sequential in by Obama in New 2009.

"We're meet play to wager whatever momentum, whatever shifts, and today we're swapping discover the Afghanistan commander," said Rick "Ozzie" Nelson, an Afghanistan veteran and a man at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Petraeus module encounter a somewhat inferior pollyannaish view of the Asian crusade from inside CIA headquarters, where analysts hit modern a more cagy looking most the struggle in the grappling of vertical corruption and a still-resilient Taliban.

Before articulate of the shuffling broke, whatever pedagogue insiders had said the White House wanted to encounter a high-profile function for Petraeus to secure he would not be recruited by Republicans to contest Obama incoming year, perhaps as a vice-presidential candidate.

Thursday's declaration is not due to be Obama's final modify to his national security team.

Obama is also due to soon foretell the progeny to the crowning U.S. expeditionary officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, whose term as chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff expires at the modify of September.

The presumptive politician to change him had daylong been General James Cartwright. But the failure of the White House to foretell a oratory for Mullen's employ upraised questions most whether Obama was ready to send to a selection meet yet.

(Additional news by Alister Bull, king Alexander, Mark Hosenball, king Morgan and Missy Ryan; Editing by Laura MacInnis)



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