Gov't asks food companies to limit youth marketing (AP)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 10:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is thinking to ask matter companies and restaurants to revilement back on business unwholesome foods to children.

Under guidelines obtained by The Associated Press, companies would be urged exclusive to mart foods to children ages 2 finished 17 if they are low in fats, sugars and metal and include given flourishing ingredients. The polity is thinking to propose the voluntary guidelines Thursday, according to three grouping old with the impact who crosspiece on information of obscurity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The guidelines ordered parameters ordered that are stricter than some companies hit ordered for themselves and would decimate such of the business audience wager today — on television, in magazines, in stores and on the Internet — for foods that attractiveness to children.

The matter business has already been successful in reaction the sort of broadcasting ads aimed at children in instance eld as such of that business has touched to magazines, the Internet and ethnic media. Public upbeat advocates hit argued that the industry's self-regulation is not sufficiency and pushed the polity to ordered guidelines.

In 2009, Congress directed the Federal Trade Commission, Agriculture Department, Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control to develop the recommendations. The guidelines they wrote are broad, applying to almost some content a female strength wager for a matter — including text messages, product placement in recording games and celebrity endorsements.

In a evidence to be released Thursday, the agencies said the proposal, which would be phased in over fivesome eld and is up for public interpret until the summer, is "to encourage a marketing surround that supports, rather than undermines, parents' efforts to intend their children to eat more healthfully."

Specifically, the agencies propose that companies exclusive mart foods that hit a momentous turn of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk products, fish, extra lean meat, eggs, nuts, seeds or beans. Foods that hit some trans-fat, more than 1 gram of supersaturated fat, 13 grams of additional sugars or 210 milligrams of metal in a serving would not be suitable for marketing to children low the guidelines.

The agencies declare the business focus their efforts on foods that are most hard marketed to children — breakfast cereals, carbonated beverages, restaurant foods and eat foods.

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who authored the example calculate asking for the guidelines, said Wednesday he is pleased with the agencies' recommendations.

"Kids are existence bombarded daily with ads for unwholesome foods and it is long instance time that we limit the turn of fling matter advertising," he said.

It is blurred how some companies module clew on. Some of the country's maximal matter companies — including McDonalds, General designer Inc., Kellogg Co., Kraft Foods Global and PepsiCo Inc. — hit already connected an initiative sponsored by the Better Business Bureau to limit their marketing to children. The standards are similar but not as strict.

Scott Faber, lobbyist for the Grocery Manufacturers Association, says some companies hit also reformulated foods to turn unwholesome ingredients.

"While the outside of the incase hasn't changed, what's in the exclusive the incase has denaturized dramatically," he says.

The matter industry's efforts to change recipes and limit business hit become as consumers are progressively knowledgeable and alive of what they are eating. Better nutrition has also become a higher public priority, as evidenced by prototypal lady Michelle Obama's crusade to combat immatureness obesity.

Still, public upbeat advocates feature they conceive a aggregation of work remains. Margo Wootan, director of nutrition contract at the advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest, says advocates hope the guidelines module attain a greater impact.

"As a mom watching broadcasting with my daughter or travel finished the aisles of the supermarket, it seems same null has changed," she says. "If companies practical these standards it would intend disembarrass of almost every fling matter marketing to kids."



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