Documents reveals new info on Gitmo detainees (AP)

Monday, April 25, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Secret documents most detainees at the metropolis Bay situation reveal new aggregation most whatever of the men that the United States believes to be terrorists, according to reports most the files free Sun by individual American and dweller newspapers. The U.S. government criticized the business as "unfortunate."

The expeditionary captive assessments were prefabricated public Sun period by U.S. and dweller newspapers after the WikiLeaks website obtained the files. The records include details of the more than 700 captive interrogations and grounds the U.S. had composed against these suspected terrorists, according to the media outlets.

It's not clear if the media outlets published the documents with the respond of WikiLeaks.

The files — know as Detainee Assessment Briefs or DABs — exposit the info value of the detainees and whether they would be a danger to the U.S. if released. To date, 604 detainees hit been transferred discover of Guantanomo patch 172 remain locked up.

The disclosures are likely to provide manlike right activists with added ammunition that whatever cases against inmates materialize to be based on flawed evidence. However, the DABs exhibit destined inmates were more chanceful than previously known to the public and could modify efforts by the U.S. to designate detainees discover of the controversial situation that President Barack Obama has failed to close.

The dossiers provide new insights into whatever of the prison's most disreputable detainees much as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. According to The New royalty Times, Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, commanded a Maryland doc to blackball Pakistan's past inform Pervez Musharraf.

Another high-value detainee, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, bragged that he outranked Muhammad who was then considered the terrorist group's No.3. Al-Nashiri faces charges before a expeditionary authorisation for his suspected role in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole. According to The Times, Al-Nashiri was also exhausted with warfare and believed women were a distraction.

He was so "dedicated to warfare that he reportedly received injections to encourage impotence and advisable the injections to others so more time could be spent on the jihad," according to al-Nashiri's file.

U.S. officials said the documents "may or haw not equal the underway view of a presented detainee" and criticized the selection by media organizations to publicize the "sensitive information."

"It is black that individual programme organizations hit prefabricated the selection to publicize numerous documents obtained illicitly by WikiLeaks concerning the metropolis confinement facility," said Ambassador Daniel Fried, the Obama administration's special envoy on captive issues, and Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell.

The categorised files include rare pictures of some of the inmates. One shows Abu Zubaydah, who has been described as al-Qaida's "travel agent," fair a fibre and an receptor patch. Zubaydah was captured in Pakistan in 2002 and condemned to individual CIA black sites overseas until he was transferred to metropolis in 2006 for the ordinal and last time.

The files do not mention what happened to Zubaydah and others patch they were in CIA custody. Zubaydah and Muhammad were both waterboarded mountain of nowadays by CIA interrogators.

The Washington Post reported that the DABs offered new details most the shitting of Osama bin Laden and crowning deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri after the 9/11 attacks and the interior disputes that erupted within the terrorist organization.

Many of the 704 assessments are riddled with oracular language. A Times analysis shows the articulate "possibly" is utilised 387 times.



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