Obama cranks up re-election machine (AFP)

Thursday, April 21, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – President Barack Obama has begun rallying supporters for his 2012 presidential campaign, recognizing that whatever of the soaring prospect of 2008 has been grounded by thickened semipolitical realities.

At two crusade events late Wednesday in California, the prototypal a assembling of wealthy donors at a clannish residence and the ordinal at a grand hall crowded with mostly teen supporters, Obama sought to stun the troops.

"I see how you guys feel," he said at the ordinal event. "But we knew this wouldn?t be easy. We knew that on a travelling same this there were feat to be setbacks. There were feat to be detours."

But he applauded what he views as his large successes, including the machine business rescue, field upbeat tending reform, the adoption of newborn business regulations and the end of a ban on gays bringing openly in the military.

At the prototypal event, where donors paying $35,800 apiece to dine with the chair and Stevie Wonder provided the music, Obama took intend at a budget organisation advanced by his politico rivals in the House of Representatives.

They hit titled for selection backwards on social programs patch protective set cuts on top-earners enacted by Obama's predecessor, George W Bush.

"That's the cushy line in whatever ways. The easiest abstract to do is for the flush and coercive to say we've got ours and we don't hit to worry most the rest. It doesn't require a lot of imagination," Obama said.

"The easiest artefact of selection upbeat tending is to kibosh giving upbeat tending to people. But that's not the USA I believe in. That's not the USA you believe in. That's what 2012 is feat to be about.

"We started something in 2008, we haven't ended it yet. And I'm feat to need you to finish it."

At the ordinal circumstance he urged the teen supporters who propelled his long 2008 crusade not to retrograde heart.

"Whenever you center grouping say: 'Well the crusade was this or that and today governing is someways different,? I meet poverty you to conceive most every the advancement we?ve already made.

"I poverty you to conceive most every the uncompleted business ahead of us and be excited most the forthcoming that lies before us."

He then winking with his trademark 2008 slogan: "Yes we can."

Obama had early titled on teen voters to "double down" in 2012 during a campaign-style meet to Facebook office in Palo Alto, California, in which he appeared alongside the company's 26-year-old originator Mark Zuckerberg.

He was due in nearby Reno, Nevada on Thursday, where he was to defend his budget organisation for a ordinal serial period before present another fund-raising circumstance in Los Angeles.



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