Officials: US to give Libyan rebels non-lethal aid (AP)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – The Obama brass plans to give the African contestant $25 meg in non-lethal resource after weeks of assessing their capabilities and intentions, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

Under a organisation advisable to President Barack Obama, the brass module ingest so-called "drawdown authority" to provide the contestant with up to $25 meg in nimiety items to support protect civilians in rebel-held areas threatened by African cheater Moammar Gadhafi's forces, the officials said. legislature was briefed on Tuesday.

The items may allow vehicles, render trucks and takeout render storage tanks, ambulances, scrutiny equipment, conserving vests, binoculars and non-secure radios, according to a attending dispatched to lawmakers and obtained by The Associated Press. "There is an solicitation in providing these commodities," the attending said.

The dominance to ingest excess supplies to support the rebels applies crossways every polity agencies, but most of the resource is expected to become from bureaucratism stocks, the officials said.

It was not immediately country when Obama would clew off on the recommendation, which does not need congressional approval.

The resource module be dispatched to the African people finished the Transitional National Council, an contestant umbrella organization supported in the port municipality of Benghazi, the officials said.

Gene Cretz, the U.S. diplomatist to Libya, briefed legislature on the administration's plans on Tuesday, the officials said. The officials crosspiece on information of obscurity because they were not commissioned to speak publically most the aid.

The move comes as U.S. allies travel up their resource to the rebels, with Britain, France and Italia sending expeditionary advisers amid calls for the U.S. to substance candid resource outside its status in NATO expeditionary operations. France and Italia have both constituted the Transitional National Council as Libya's legitimate government, something the U.S. has still to do.

There has been such debate over whether to supply the rebels with weapons and the officials said that choice relic on the table.

The officials said the non-lethal resource would be monitored to secure it is used properly, although they noted that the items to be dispatched inform a baritone risk of misuse.



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