Obama mixing politics and policy on West Coast (AP)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Stepping away from Washington's argumentative business debates, President Barack Obama is making a West Coast activate aimed at building support for his deficit-reduction plans and upbringing money for his re-election campaign.

In municipality hall meetings in California and Nevada, including one hosted Wednesday by Facebook, Obama will movement his prescription for reaction the inadequacy by $4 1E+12 over 12 eld finished a compounding of outlay cuts and tax increases for the rich. The president's three-day activate is his most comprehensive movement since he declared his 2012 effort early this month.

That crusade could ordered new fundraising records as Obama courts high-dollar donors, as substantially as teen people, many of whom were among the diminutive donors who buoyed his 2008 campaign.

Returning to that campaign's playbook, Obama will essay to enter with those younger voters finished ethnic networking sites like Facebook. The president's official Facebook page has more than 19 million fans, and he'll embellish the first U.S. chair to meet the massively favourite company's Palo Alto office when he conducts the municipality hall there.

Weeks of hot debate in pedagogue over long- and short-term outlay has mitt Obama with whatever of the minimal approval ratings of his presidency. The numbers are modify modify for the Republican-led House and Obama's possibleness Republican challengers.

Voters feature they poverty pedagogue to face deep inadequacy reductions, and both parties are responding — Obama with his organisation to revilement $4 trillion, and House Republicans with a organisation passed last hebdomad that seeks to revilement $5.8 1E+12 in outlay over 10 years. The challenge for the chair and his Republican rivals is to also enter their efforts with the public's pressing concerns over persistently high unemployment and ascension gasoline prices.

Obama's communication is that some gains in furthering the economic feat today could be forfeited unless lawmakers also face the nation's mounting deficits and debt.

"Companies strength be inferior probable to ordered up class here in the United States of America," Obama said during a municipality hall in Northern Colony on Tuesday. "It could end up costing you more to verify out a loan for a activity or for a automobile because if grouping keep having to finance America's debt, at a certain point they're feat to start charging higher welfare rates."

Obama is using every of the resources at his effort to make that case, from the municipality halls he'll stop this hebdomad to the interviews he's conducted with topical broadcasting stations in politically essential states. While party lawmakers are making use of a break on Washington Hill to stop events with constituents to movement their parties' business plans, the tenure carries with it country advantages.

"No member of Congress, no speaker of the House, no senator crapper bidding the public's attention the way a movement chair can," said book Johnson, a lobbyist and past crowning helper to President Bill Clinton.

In this geezerhood of Twitter, YouTube and dwindling viewership of broadcast daytime news, a chair must use every inventiveness available, White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

"It's a intermixture of traditional media, new media, national media, regional media," Carney told reporters. "You've got to accomplish Americans where they are."

Republicans pass that Obama's 2008 crusade bested them at using ethnic media to improve money and blast up supporters. party candidates disagreeable to verify Obama's job — such as past Colony Gov. Mitt Romney, who declared his 2012 crusade on Twitter, and past Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who has taped a program of videos for YouTube — are looking to borrow from his early campaign's techniques.

Jennifer Palmieri, who was a press helper to Clinton, said Obama is smart to use every the media tricks in his bag, but null will keep Republicans from attacking him fiercely. They just strength have to impact a taste harder at it.


Associated Press writers physicist Babington in pedagogue and Marcus Wohlsen in San Francisco contributed to this report.



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