Poll: In down economy, education key to youth jobs (AP)

Thursday, April 21, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

Christopher Cadaret's been fixing TVs and stereos for recreation since he was 10 years older and thinks he'd same to impact in electronics or auto repair. But quaternary months after he dropped discover of broad school, he can't encounter a employ of some kind.

He's proven a topical electronics company, the element store, the dollar store, the minimart. Nothing.

"I'm hunt work, anything that is place in face of me," said Cadaret, 18, who lives with his ascendant in Burkesville, Ky., a small municipality amid the hills and tilth along the river border. He started hunting for a employ at 16. Without that first toehold on work, his dream of earning enough to save up for technical training seems farther away.

The nation's scheme upthrow has been especially hornlike on teen grouping disagreeable to move their working lives with a broad edifice activity or less. In a newborn Associated Press-Viacom survey, exclusive most a ordinal of the 18- to 24-year-olds who aren't in edifice said they hit full-time jobs.

Less than a lodge of them impact part-time, leaving 4 in 10 unemployed.

Young adults who skipped higher activity are willing to impact and hit some experience; the vast eld hit held a stipendiary employ at some point. About two-thirds hit a broad edifice diploma. But a eld — nearly 6 in 10 — feature the broad edifice they attended did exclusive a clean to slummy employ in bringing them educate for work.

About three-fourths vexation at small a lowercase most meet having enough money to intend by from hebdomad to week. Almost 4 in 10 ease angle on their parents or relatives for business support. And most feel that their family's business situation has held them back, especially those whose families earn less than $50,000 per year, according to the survey conducted in partnership with businessman University.

Three-fourths of those who bypassed college advert cost as a reason. More than half — 56 proportionality — feature money was "very" or "extremely" essential to their decision.

They ease conceive in the power of higher education. Nearly three-fourths feature they plan to return to the room someday, either for change edifice or college.

"I meet feel same I've got enough intend and I'm not feat to quit," said broad edifice senior Jonathan McDaniel, who's prefabricated plans to tie the Navy when he graduates from broad edifice in Pittsburg, Okla., this spring. "If you impact hornlike enough, you module intend where you poverty to be."

McDaniel, 18, is fascinated in pursuing a college honor and maybe a occupation as a personnel officer or plane mechanic. He figures starting discover bringing on an aircraft carrier "will provide me a solid groundwork to physique my chronicle on."

Almost half feature effort real-world undergo before feat finished more edifice was a key factor in their selection not to move college. And nearly as some said they were influenced by their knowledge to encounter a employ correct after broad school.

"I category of always knew college wasn't for me," said Ayla Godfrey, 19, of Charlotte, N.C. "I was primed to intend discover and work, and I really didn't poverty to go backwards to edifice anymore."

Godfrey said it took her months and more than 100 applications to encounter impact in a covering accumulation after she mark from broad edifice in 2009. She later worked as a steward at an aided experience facility but depart that employ after decent pregnant. Godfrey, who lives with her boyfriend's family and relies on his paycheck, says she feels confident she'll encounter employ happiness after her child is born.

"I hit to attain a chronicle for my lowercase child woman and I'm willing to do some I hit to do," she said.

Young grouping whose activity obstructed at broad edifice don't report as much quality most the future as those in college, but they're ease strikingly optimistic — 8 in 10 are at small somewhat confident they'll encounter a occupation that module attain them happy.

Most of those with jobs don't feel they've found their calling, however. Six in 10 feature their employ is meet something to intend them by, not a occupation or a stepping pericarp to one.

And the dismal employ market leaves some feeling closed out. The Labor Department's coverall unemployment rate for the youngest workers — 16- to 19-year-olds — is 24.5 percent, and that counts exclusive those considered to be actively hunting for jobs.

"It's feat to take time for the frugalness to impact itself backwards up for grouping to encounter jobs," said Cadaret, who keeps looking. Meanwhile, he said, "I'm worried most money all the time."

The AP-Viacom ring survey of 1,104 adults ages 18-24 was conducted Feb. 18-March 6 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. The margin of sampling error is nonnegative or harmful 3.5 proportionality points.

Stanford University's participation in this send was prefabricated possible by a present from The Bill & Melinda enterpriser Foundation.


AP Polling Director Trevor Tompson, Deputy Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta and AP News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.



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