Obama: Rising gas prices mean oil company profits (AP)

Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama proclaimed Sat that lubricator companies are profiting from ascension fuel prices and urged legislature erst again to modify $4 billion a assemblage in lubricator and pedal consort set breaks.

"These set giveaways aren't right," Obama said in his weekly broadcasting and cyberspace address. "They aren't smart. And we need to modify them."

Obama has been pugilism with congressional Republicans over the skyrocketing outlay of gasoline, which has topped $4 a congius in whatever regions of the country, more than $1 note higher than a assemblage ago. The ascension prices hit contributed to a delay in economic growth and hit perceive Obama's public hold ratings.

The Exxon Mobile Corp. this hebdomad reportable nearly $11 billion in profits for the prototypal quarter of this assemblage but said it had no curb over lubricator prices. Other lubricator companies also reportable huge gains.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says he plans to study Obama's proposal as early as next week.

The president said money recouped from success the lubricator and pedal set subsidies should be used on newborn forcefulness resources and research. He said he refuses to revilement outlay on decent forcefulness initiatives.

"An assets in decent forcefulness today is an assets in a meliorate tomorrow," he said. "And I conceive that's an assets worth making."

Obama's critics say his call to modify much subsidies is but hold for newborn set increases that would modify up costing jobs.

"The president haw conceive he's punishing CEOs of big companies, but his organisation will perceive the routine consumer of forcefulness and imperil the jobs of jillions of hardworking people in American-based companies," Rep. James Lankford, a first-term congressman from Oklahoma, said in the Republicans' weekly address.

In his address, Obama said the frugalness was growing again and took note of nearly 2 meg newborn clannish facet jobs in the last 13 months. But the president did not mention that the pace of the recovery slowed significantly in the prototypal threesome months of this year. The nation's frugalness grew at a 1.8 proportionality period evaluate during that quarter, a much slower pace than the 3.1 proportionality evaluate reportable in the preceding threesome months.

High fuel prices, bad winter defy and steep polity outlay cuts were answerable for the slowdown.

Eager to show state on pedal costs, Obama has repeatedly titled for success the set subsidies to lubricator and pedal companies, modify while assent that they would not hit an unmediated effect on prices. He has also titled for the Justice Department to analyse possible toll sterilisation and said this hebdomad that he was also prodding OPEC nations much as Arabian peninsula to process production.

"I also conceive that instead of subsidizing yesterday's energy, we should invest in tomorrow's," he said.

Lankford also warned that Republicans would not balloting to raise the nation's debt cap — today at $14.3 1E+12 — in the coming weeks unless the manoeuvre also includes steps to revilement polity spending. Presidents hit united to much deals in the past, and Obama this month, in an interview with The Associated Press, conceded that whatever outlay restrictions strength be necessary to win an process in the debt ceiling. Without upbringing that limit, the polity would choice on its debts.



Obama address: www.whitehouse.gov

GOP address: http://www.youtube.com/RepublicanConference



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