At Facebook headquarters, Obama seeks 2008 energy (Reuters)

Thursday, April 21, 2011 12:01 AM By dwi

PALO ALTO, Calif (Reuters) – President Barack Obama wanted to reignite the youthful energy that propelled his 2008 election weekday with a campaign-style foregather to the linkage of ethnic communications, Facebook.

Democrats pass that Obama module requirement to rally whatever of the same forces that propelled him into the White House in visit to get re-election in 2012: an grey of young, brisk voters as well as a large showing from autarkical voters.

By temporary Facebook office in California's Silicon Valley, where 26-year-old originator Mark Zuckerberg is a folk hero, Obama wanted to enter to tens of jillions of grouping who impact adoptive ethnic media as a maturity method of communications.

"My study is Barack Obama and I'm the guy who got Mark to dress a crown and tie," the chair said, to laughter, at the first of a live-streamed municipality hall circumstance with Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg, clad in jeans, sneakers and a tie, and Obama, clad in a business suit, then took off their jackets before the chair started fielding questions most how to turn the budget deficit, which is sticking to impact $1.4 trillion this business year.

Promoting his organisation of outlay cuts and tax increases for the wealthiest Americans, Obama told the flush Facebook originator that both of them would impact to clear more taxes to help out.

"I'm modify with that," Zuckerberg said.

Obama heads to San Francisco for Democratic fund-raising events after the Facebook session.

He then plans stops in Las Vegas and Los Angeles before returning to pedagogue Friday.

Jon Krosnick, a semipolitical science professor at Stanford University, said having Obama on stage with Zuckerberg could help the chair with teen people.

"That lonely is a artefact of disagreeable to re-energize this teen procreation that might be crucial for him to be re-elected again," Krosnick said.

Obama held his deficit-cutting roadshow as policy-makers and financial markets recover from ratings authority Standard & Poor's threat to downgrade America's triple-A credit rating on worries pedagogue won't address its business woes.

A possibleness politico competition to Obama, past Colony Governor Mitt Romney, said S&P "downgraded the Obama presidency" and that Obama should foregather with S&P officials to essay to gain their confidence.


It is primeval in the 2012 election cycle, but Obama has such impact ahead. An ABC News/Washington Post enquiry released on Tuesday showed Obama's support ratings nearby record lows because of intensifying economic pessimism among Americans.

Ipsos enquirer Cliff Young said ascension fuel prices are attractive their sound but they probably did not present a long-term difficulty for Obama, who he called the odds-on favorite.

Obama is using the first steps on the road to 2012 to encourage a budget ideology that is at ratio with the business views of Republicans who are thinking statesmanly campaigns.

He wants to improve taxes on wealthier Americans to money ethnic programs patch making whatever budget cuts, a organisation he says would alter downbound deficits by $4 trillion over 12 years.

Republican Representative Apostle Ryan has called for slightly higher cuts, $4.4 trillion over 10 years, without upbringing taxes. He would make unfathomable cuts in spending, including overhauls in the Medicare and Medicaid upbeat programs for the old and slummy that Democrats say would break the "social compact" with Americans.

Obama said Ryan's organisation was "fairly radical" and that his budget offering was not "particularly courageous."

"Nothing is easier than finding a difficulty on the backs of grouping who are slummy or grouping who are powerless or don't impact lobbyists or don't impact clout," he said to applause.

Polls suggests Americans so farther are siding with Obama.

Data released from the ABC News/Washington Post enquiry on weekday said 72 proportionality of those surveyed souvenir higher taxes for wealthy Americans and 78 proportionality anti to selection upbeat benefits for the elderly. The analyse of 1,001 adults has a 3.5 proportionality saucer error margin.

(Additional reporting by Kim Dixon, Alister Bull, Peter Henderson, Alexei Oreskovic and king Morgan; Writing by Steve Holland and Jeff Mason; Editing by Deborah Charles)



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