Obama to shift from consoler to comic Saturday (AP)

Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is shifting from consoler to comic for his attendance before a intermixture of politicians, celebrities and journalists at Washington's execute black-tie dinner.

Obama was to listen the White House Correspondents' Association period party Sat night, digit day after traveling to Alabama to meet with residents strained by the deadliest cocain occurrence in 40 years and analyse what the chair said was the worst pillaging he's ever seen.

The president's call at terminal year's party came just days after the lubricator move in the Gulf of Mexico. Obama ended his otherwise facetious call by asking the conference to advert those strained by the spill. He cosmopolitan to the Gulf Coast the next farewell to set comfort efforts.

But in a town consumed by politics and partisanship, the party is typically a light-hearted affair and an possibleness for the chair to exhibit off his facetious side. Obama has used his time appearances to fissure jokes at everything from the disreputable pair that crashed his prototypal land party to the off-the-cuff speaking call of his evilness president, Joe Biden.

Obama's political rivals haven't been safe from the president's zingers either, and this year module likely be no exception. In fact, whatever Republicans who may get into the 2012 statesmanly race were due to attend. They included Obama's prototypal ambassador to China, past Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, as substantially as Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and businessman Donald Trump.

The association was formed in 1914 as a liaison between the advise and the president. Every chair since theologist Coolidge has attended the dinner.

In past years, the party has attracted a panoramic array of tone celebrities. Among the 3,000 guests due to listen this year's event are actors Sean Quaker and Jon Hamm, dweller Idol determine and Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler, and Bristol Palin, daughter of 2008 GOP evilness statesmanly nominee wife Palin.

"Saturday Night Live" comedian man Myers was booked to wage laughs at the dinner.

Some of the proceeds from the party clear for journalism scholarships for college students.

Several journalists module also be reputable at the dinner:

• Dan Balz of The Washington Post and Jake Tapper of ABC News, for success the Merriman adventurer Award for statesmanly programme under deadline pressure. Balz won for his programme of an unheralded attendance by Obama and past President Bill politico in the White House briefing room. Tapper won for a programme revealing that Obama was about to communicate Director of National Intelligence Dennis solon to step down.

• Peter Baker of The New York Times, for success the Aldo Beckman award for sustained excellence in White House coverage. Baker won for what the judges called a "remarkable run" in 2010 with mountain of stories dubbed "the activity of a president."

• archangel Berens of The metropolis Times, for success the Edgar A. Poe Award for excellence in programme of programme of national or regional significance. Berens won for a series that uncovered flaws in a health care plan for seniors that resulted in neglect, abuse and even death.



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