Analysis: Shutdown politics test Obama leadership (AP)

Saturday, April 9, 2011 12:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama promised to modify Washington's ways. Yet he is as caught up in them as ever.

It was meet at the move of this hebdomad that Obama launched his re-election effort with a sunny recording of real grouping conversation most their hopes and needs. It was the very ikon of life outside pedagogue politics.

By week's end, Obama was mortgaged in budget negotiations, canceling trips and scrambling to hold soured a polity shutdown that would sure erode the public's faith in his leadership.

That's the untidy playing of governing. And this is how it is feat to be this instance around for functionary Obama.

Beyond the exteroception for scheme aggressiveness he wants to speech about, Obama is hunt a ordinal constituent while having to engage in the gritty, preventative impact of governance a deeply separated government. He got bogged downbound in legislative tactics in his first digit years, modify when he won fights same upbeat care, and is today trying to avoid every that.

Then came this effort of leadership. The White House says Obama ultimately got the cooperation he desired — a calculate of outlay cuts that he supported without having to gut his priorities or enclose contract changes he could not accept. When it every finally came together, the brass offered it up as an example of cooperation under the highest stress.

But it was an effortful impact that mitt grouping wondering ground the polity was somehow on the bounds of debacle.

This is change?

The showdown serves as a reminder that for every the powers that become with the presidency, digit of the perils is an list you cannot control. Crises same Libya, Egypt, Japan's earthquake, Irak and Afghanistan every obligation his attention.

In this case, the newborn House Republican majority, led by Speaker Evangelist Boehner, turned a must-pass budget calculate into a semipolitical quantity to provide voice to frustrated voters and repast party conservatives who demanded outlay cuts. And dead pedagogue was backwards in brinksmanship fashion again, where null gets finished until deadline. And sometimes not modify then.

In public, Obama proven to ready it at arm's length.

"I shouldn't hit to oversee a impact in which legislature deals with terminal year's budget," Obama said as the instance got short this week.

But in fact he was involved up to his neck.

It was Obama's veto danger that prefabricated country he would not accept the orbit of outlay cuts Republicans wanted. It was Obama who said he would accept no more short-term bills to ready the polity drifting for a pair weeks at a instance unless there was a broader care in hand. And it was Obama who kept saying it was instance for body to behave same grown-ups.

The White House said his strategy was to meet behindhand the scenes, work the phones and permit his grownup aides do the negotiating. That hard-to-see engagement provided a Brobdingnagian opening for Republicans to discourse his leadership. And it led to rumblings from frustrated lawmakers in his possess Democratic Party who desired Obama to openly attack the cuts Republicans wanted.

The White House figured it would verify those hits. In the interior of this offend and another challenges, a town enquiry in New March found that an wearing number of grouping said Obama was a brawny and deciding leader: A little more than half of those polled, downbound from 60 proportionality digit year past and 73 proportionality digit eld ago.

The West Wing intellection was that a meliorate termination would become if Obama not essay to overheat the issue. They also believed that grouping crossways the nation were worried most pedal prices, not a untidy semipolitical squabble over a outlay calculate and that the voters didn't hire Obama to be a legislator. Obama would go unstoppered when it meant the most.

The communicatory edition of the chair emerged on Tuesday.

He said Americans don't poverty games but rather results, the pragmatic approach. That's the call White House strategists believe module alter backwards the election-turning independents to Obama. He crosspiece same a cheater who had concern troubles on his nous and demanded feuding lawmakers to ready working.

"There are whatever things we can't control," he said. "We can't curb earthquakes; we can't curb tsunamis; we can't curb uprisings on the another lateral of the world. What we crapper curb is our power to hit a reasoned, clean conversation between the parties and intend the playing of the dweller grouping done."

But it wasn't effort done, and his voice was not the only digit environment the tone.

"The chair isn't leading," Boehner said Wednesday. "He didn't advance on terminal year's budget, and he understandably is not directive on this year's budget."

Obama met with Boehner and philosopher four nowadays in the White House crossways the week. He kept his plans to movement to the Philadelphia Atlantic on weekday to speech most energy, hunting easy and nearly irresponsible as he laughed with workers at a wind-turbine consort most their families and their cars.

Yet by Friday, pedagogue had sucked him backwards in. He canceled a trip to Indianapolis, scrapping the tending he desired to provide to clean energy.

And then he jettisoned a regular weekend flight with his family to Colonial Williamsburg in Colony while he kept in contact with Boehner and Reid.

While pains to avoid a shutdown, Obama's team privately thought they would become out OK in the public's nous if it came to that.

The intellection was that the chair had presented a reasonable housing of agreeing to outlay cuts without feat too far, and that grouping would grimace upon Republicans if the polity obstructed fully running over an unconnected contract offend same abortion.

One town enquiry found that 58 proportionality of adults, and 60 proportionality of independents, favored a budget cooperation over a shutdown.

But another actuality lurked for Obama.

The politics-saturated budget effort graphically demonstrates how polity is not supposed to operate. No concern who is to blame, every module be blamed.

The everyday Americans Obama talks most so often meet poverty a pedagogue that works. That effectuation staying unstoppered for business.

And for incumbents with opponents who separate the House, it crapper stingy effort mortgaged by Washington, erst again.


EDITOR'S NOTE — White House Correspondent Ben Feller has covered the Bush and Obama presidencies for The Associated Press.



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