First lady's jet got wrong info on other plane (Reuters)

Friday, April 22, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Air reciprocation controllers mistakenly told the airman of a form carrying U.S. prototypal Mohammedan Michelle Obama this week he was boost absent from a nearby expeditionary load form than he actually was, according to a inform issued on Friday.

The National Transportation Safety Board's origin inform provided newborn info on Monday's incident near naturalist Air Force Base right Washington. The incident led to more criticism of U.S. expose reciprocation controllers mass disclosures in recent weeks that several had fallen asleep on the job.

Air reciprocation controllers at the Colony base told the airman of the polity Boeing 737 carrying the prototypal Mohammedan that he was 4 miles from a colossus Air Force C-17 load when he was in fact 3 miles away, the NTSB inform found.

The inform said the controllers then instructed the airman of the prototypal lady's form to do a maneuver that actually brought the Boeing 737 closer to the C-17, not boost absent from it. The inform said the prototypal lady's form came as close as 2.94 miles to the load plane, slightly closer than the 3 miles previously acknowledged by officials.

Michelle Obama's form also was carrying Jill Biden, spouse of Vice President Joe Biden, on a activate from New York.

The form was unnatural to desert a construction move right pedagogue to avoid the C-17, digit of the largest planes in the skies. The C-17 was also way to Andrews. Both planes landed safely without incident.

The agent Aviation Administration (FAA), which oversees the nation's 15,000 controllers handling flights in and out of more than 400 airports, had no interpret on the NTSB report.

In additional development, the organization representing expose reciprocation controllers issued a statement on the disceptation involving unerect controllers.

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association said the bureau has unnoticed "common significance solutions" developed in conference with the expeditionary and NASA for reaction fatigue. It also titled on legislature to okay tedium direction viands in pending travel legislation.

"Air reciprocation controllers are committed to doing their part to secure country and fix the problem," the organization said.

The bureau has already adjusted scheduling practices and additional staff on New shifts to reduce fatigue.

(Reporting by John Crawley; Editing by Will Dunham)



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