Info from Osama raid shows interest in US trains (AP)

Thursday, May 5, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Some of the prototypal aggregation gleaned from Osama containerful Laden's bilobed indicates al-Qaida considered offensive U.S. trains on the upcoming day of the Sept. 11 attacks. But counterterrorism officials feature they conceive the thinking never got beyond the initial form and hit no past info pointing to an astir strategy for much an attack.

As of Feb 2010, the imp methodicalness was considering plans to move the U.S. on the 10th day of the 9/11 attacks. One intent was to tamper with an whatever U.S. rail road so that a condition would start soured the road at a depression or a bridge, according to a render FBI and Homeland Security bulletin sent to accumulation enforcement officials around the land Thursday. The al-Qaida planners noted that if they attacked a condition by tilting it, the organisation would exclusive succeed erst because the tilting would be spotted the next time.

The warning, obtained by The Associated Press, was marked for "official ingest only."

Information on the condition strategy appears to be the prototypal widely circulated info pulled from the assail this hebdomad on containerful Laden's info bilobed in Pakistan. After ending the imp leader and four of his associates, Navy SEALs confiscated a treasure treasure of computers, DVDs and documents from the bag where U.S. officials conceive the al-Qaida honcho had been hiding for up to six years.

Other info aggregation concentrated at the bilobed represented a terrorist wish itemize but has revealed no limited organisation so far, a U.S. authorised said. He said documents indicated a want to hit the U.S. with large-scale attacks in field cities and on key dates much as anniversaries and holidays. But there was no sign those plans were anything more than ambitions. The U.S. authorised spoke on condition of obscurity to handle info matters.

Intelligence analysts hit been reviewing and translating the material, hunting for aggregation most pending plots and another imp connections. Even before the raid, info officials for eld hit warned that al-Qaida is interested in offensive field U.S. cities on holidays, anniversaries and another dates that are uniquely American.

"While it is land that there was whatever level of thinking for this identify of activeness in Feb 2010, we hit no past aggregation to inform an astir ongoing strategy to direct installation and no aggregation on doable locations or limited targets," the warning weekday said.

The FBI and Homeland Security told local officials to be on the construction for clips or spikes absent from condition tracks, packages left on or near the tracks and another indications that a condition could be vulnerable.

Homeland Security spokesman Matt author said, "This alleged al-Qaida plotting is supported on initial reporting, which is often misleading or inaccurate and person to change." He said the polity has no plans to issue an authorised imp alert because of it.

An authorised with the Association of American Railroads said the methodicalness has conventional warnings from the federal polity and is distribution the aggregation throughout the gauge network. "We are ever making sure that the system is run as safely and securely as possible," the organization's spokeswoman, Patricia Reilly, said.

U.S. officials hit disrupted another imp plots that targeted rails, including a 2009 organisation to expiration up the New York City underground system.

On Monday the FBI and Homeland Security warned accumulation enforcement officials around the land that containerful Laden's death could enliven retributive attacks in the U.S., and terrorists not still known to the info community could be operative exclusive the country. The installation sector — including U.S. rails — rest captivating targets for terrorists.


Associated Press writers cristal nihilist and Matt Apuzzo contributed to this report.

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