LCG Election Monitor: Obama far from a sure bet to be re-elected in 2012 (Daily Caller)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 10:01 PM By dwi

Forget every the semipolitical statement over the terminal three weeks: the fact is the ending of Osama containerful Laden helped Obama.

Not as much as the White House would like, nor as lowercase as Republicans would same to think. Meanwhile, the frugalness is cragfast ease in neutral, leaving voters in funk. All of which translates into the following: patch President Obama is in a meliorate place politically than he was 30 days time he is farther from a trusty bet to be re-elected in 2012.

The president’s brave adventure to verify out containerful Laden was a massive success and a rattling beatific nonfigurative for this country. The semipolitical effect was essential but not for the reasons you might think. Our sense is that the enquiry strike from the containerful full ending was feat to be single digits and brief constituent and it has been borne out so far.

These types of events almost never advance to daylong gains in the headline support rating. However, they can advance to a more essential agitate in opinion. So patch Gallup and others hit shown the president’s support judgement returning to pre-bin Laden levels, the accumulation suggests that there has been a meaning modify in Obama’s disapproval rating. This is essential because it effectuation that whatever stroke voters (independents and soft partisans) are reconsidering the president.

More importantly, the containerful Laden selection and verify downbound declare to voters that Obama is a deciding leader and this was an area of enthusiastic weakness for the president. In March, a Gallup enquiry institute that exclusive 52% of voters intellection Obama was a brawny and deciding leader. This was downbound 10 points in the terminal assemblage and more than 20 points since he took office.

There is a portion of autarkical and soft politico phallic voters who hit daylong change that Obama is not a decisive, brawny leader; they see his info and ofttimes professorial conduct as existence unsuited for the presidency. By taking out America’s unstoppered enemy sort digit in a raid on external soil, Obama has provided a clear instance of brave leadership that undercuts that criticism. In persuasion success is ofttimes most sending clear “signals” and this is as beatific as it gets on that front.

So, yes, the chair got a strike and, yes, it was brief lived. We venture that in the end, the effect module be roughly a 3-5 proportionality strike in support and same modify in disapproval that puts him somewhere around 50-51 proportionality support judgement and 43-45 proportionality disapproval. In addition, perceptions of the president’s direction of external contract and Afghanistan hit absent up considerably. All in all, a beatific some weeks for the president.

Unfortunately for the White House, the dominating issue in the land relic the land of the frugalness and the programme on that front is not nearly as good.  Here is our verify on the economic situation and the coverall semipolitical status directive up to the 2012 elections:

  • The land relic in a prolonged period of domestic pessimism that seems at this saucer to be intractable. The semipolitical effect of this cannot be overstated. Six-in-ten Americans conceive the land is soured on the criminal track. According to the Real Clear Politics cipher of unstoppered polls, exclusive 34% of voters conceive the land is feat in the right direction. Below is an protection of the “wrong track” line with the unemployment way over the terminal 30 years. Note the correlation.

While “wrong track” has fallen from terminal year’s cipher of 81% it is ease at a historically broad level. A NYT/CBS enquiry in New April institute that exclusive 23% of voters intellection the frugalness was effort meliorate patch 38%t said it is staying the same and an incredible 39% said it is effort worse. Again, pessimism breeds pessimism and this is semipolitical modification for an incumbent.

  • The president’s re-elect is inexorably equal to the land of the frugalness and gas prices. A time NBC/WSJ survey showed that exclusive 37% of voters authorised of Obama’s direction of the economy. This represented the lowest sort of his presidency. With the unemployment rate cragfast on 9%, voters are restless. Yesterday, Ed Lazear, a time chair of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers and a businessman University academic of economics, wrote a terrific example in the WSJ that explained ground the employ mart feels so dismal. Lazear says that it is because the increase in employ ontogeny is existence driven by a decline in the sort of layoffs, not from accumulated hiring. People don’t see meliorate because they don’t see actual hiring. So the Obama administration’s touting of the creation of 244,000 jobs terminal month change hollow. Additionally, economists revised their predictions for GDP ontogeny descending terminal month. The U.S. frugalness is ontogeny very, rattling tardily and it is incognizable to most Americans. This is a representation difficulty for the White House. Finally, patch gas prices hit dropped a bit the terminal week or two, they are ease more than $1 higher than a assemblage ago. And a Consumer Federation of America enquiry free today has more than 8-in-10 Americans saying that the broad cost of fuel is feat business hardship for their family. Our sense is that gas prices in the $4 per congius arrange are rattling questionable for the president.
  • Democrats are feat to requirement a brawny Obama at the crowning of the listing because 2012 is manufacture up to be modify more arduous than 2010. As always, the underway essay of the legislature is as essential to predicting the essay of the incoming as are the candidates and issues in this election. While the 2010 midterms forced Democrats to defend a sort of undefendable seats in both the House and Senate, 2012 is manufacture up to be modify more difficult. Particularly in the Senate, where 2006’s collection is existence replaced, there are a sort of unstoppered seats as substantially as undefendable one-term incumbents where sociology favors a band takeover. Many are in agricultural states and districts which hit been hotbeds of Tea Party enthusiasm. Rural Democrats in peril: according to Charlie Cook, the Washington Hill handicapper, decade senate races today remember as “tossups.” Four of these are undefendable Democratic incumbents: Ben admiral in Nebraska, Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Joe Manchin in West Virginia, and Jon Tester in Montana. Three more are taking place in states where Democrats are retiring: Virginia, New Mexico, and North Dakota. While they are scattered crossways the continent, every of these states inform a similar-looking type of artist stroke citizen experience substantially right the field railway areas where Obama was healthy to demolition up large margins in 2008. As Charlie notes, it is simple: “if Democrats can’t enter with exurbs and small-town voters, they module lose the senate incoming November—and attain it arduous for President Obama, who held his possess among agricultural Americans in 2008, to catch states same North Carolina that put him over the crowning terminal instance around.”
  • After a field upswing for Democrats in the time decade, in 2010 band finding has returned to parity, which is hugely questionable for the president’s party. One essential saucer to remember is that portion tends to be more right-leaning than the coverall electorate. And when autarkical “leaners” are included with their individual party, Democrats today hit a plain one-point plus (45% – 44%).

  • The country’s semipolitical ideology is more broken than ever and thence swing unitedly a success coalition module be more arduous than in the past. This year’s edition of the Pew Political Typology has whatever fascinating conclusions. As their nonfigurative notes, “A ontogeny sort of Americans are choosing not to identify with either semipolitical party, and the edifice of the semipolitical spectrum is progressively diverse. Rather than existence moderate, many of these independents stop extremely brawny ideological positions on issues much as the persona of government, immigration, the environment and ethnic issues. But they combine these views in structure that escape liberal or conservative orthodoxy.”  This is the fracturing of the electorate that has been talked most for a decade: it has undeniably arrived. In the age of personalized media consumption, MicroTargeting and individual ad targeting, Americans are progressively arduous to easily categorize.
Thanks to John Zirinsky for his insights and contributions. We module be back again in the incoming some weeks. For real-time reactions to events and more thoughts on the unstoppered instrument environment, please follow us on Twitter @lcgpolling

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