No Photo: Why Obama Won't Release Osama bin Laden Death Image (

Thursday, May 5, 2011 2:01 AM By dwi

President Obama has told CBS News that he's definite against making open a graphic ikon of Osama containerful Laden's corpse. The programme comes amid vertical reflection over the promulgation of the image, fueled in part by comments from CIA Director Leon Panetta on Tuesday that advisable its promulgation was inevitable.

After Matt Drudge erroneously reported that the promulgation of the picture was imminent, the White House pushed back hard, denying that whatever selection had been made. "There is no update on the selection to promulgation the photos," e-mailed spokesman Tommy Vietor. "I hit no intent what the Drudge abstract is based on." (See pictures of Osama containerful Laden's Pakistan hideout.)

Panetta then told NBC News that the picture was extremity to embellish discover eventually. "The polity apparently has been talking most how prizewinning to do this, but I don't think there's - there was whatever question that finally a picture would be presented to the public," he said. "The bottom distinction is that, you know, we got containerful Laden, and I think we hit to expose to the rest of the concern the fact that we were able to get him and blackball him."

A want for catharsis, or perhaps meet gruesome curiosity, has boost excited the picture frenzy. But in an discourse with 60 Minutes that was transcribed on Wednesday, Obama said the ikon was not feat to be released. White House advise helper diplomatist Carney, who shared Obama's comments at Wednesday's advise briefing, told reporters that the selection had not been finalized until the morning of the interview. (See pictures of Osama containerful Laden.)

According to Carney, Obama valid that the picture might cause "incitement to additional violence" or embellish fodder for affliction among those already outraged by containerful Laden's death. But Obama also prefabricated the case that, if released, the ikon would be an extra struggle accolade that changes neither the implications of containerful Laden's modification nor the widespread conspiracy theories most the conditions low which it took place. "We don't run discover this clog as trophies," Obama said. "There are feat to be whatever folks who deny it. The fact of the concern is, you module not see containerful Laden travel on this earth again."

Not emotional the ikon module sure commove conspiracy mongers like talk-radio hyperventilator Alex Jones, but evidence, photographic or otherwise, has never been much of an impediment for Jones' black-helicopter fantasies. "Conspiracy theorists around the concern module meet claim the photos are doctored anyway, and there is a actual venture that emotional the photos module exclusive help to inflame open opinion in the Middle East," politico House Intelligence Committee chair Mike actress said on Wednesday. (See pictures of grouping celebrating Osama containerful Laden's death.)

A number of members of legislature hit seen the picture and prefabricated their arguments for or against its release. But Obama's selection not to make it open - and his explanation - is the exclusive digit that rattling counts. Of course, his selection won't kibosh the flood of Freedom of Information Act requests and jural challenges to the photo's classified position that are likely to flood the White House in the coming weeks and months. For purge or curiosity, the want to know is implausible to abate after a single 60 Minutes interview.

See TIME's rank news of Osama containerful Laden.

See a recording of where the U.S. goes from here.

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