Officials: SEALs thought bin Laden threatening (AP)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 10:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama sequential grisly photographs of Osama containerful Laden in modification sealed from open analyse on Wednesday, declaring, "We don't need to spike the football" in triumph after this week's adventurous middle-of-the-night raid. The terrorist cheater was killed by dweller commandos who separate into his shack and feared he was achievement for a nearby weapon, U.S. officials said.

Several weapons were found in the shack where the imp honcho died, including AK-47 assault rifles and side arms, the officials said. They crosspiece on information of obscurity as they offered the most recent in a series of progressively detailed and sometimes-shifting accounts of containerful Laden's effort transactions after a decennium on the run.

Obama said emotional the photographs condemned by the Navy SEAL raiders was "not who we are" as a country. Though whatever haw contain his death, "the fact of the matter is you module not see containerful Laden travel this connector again," the president said in an discourse recorded for CBS' "60 Minutes."

He said whatever promulgation of the photos could become a propaganda agency for containerful Laden's adherents eager to provoke violence.

White House press secretary diplomatist Carney said the president's selection practical to photographs of containerful Laden, said to show a assets of his skull panting absent from a shot harm to the Atlantic of his mitt eye, as substantially as to a recording transcription of his concealing individual hours later in the North Arabian Sea.

The president prefabricated no open remarks during the period most the raid, unconnected from the recorded interview. But he unreal a meet for weekday to ground set in Manhattan, where the World Trade Center match towers erst stood.

After digit life of shifting accounts of the hammy raid, Carney said he would no longer provide info of the 40-minute activeness by the aggroup of selected Navy SEALs. That mitt unharmonious numerous mysteries, prominent among them an exact business of containerful Laden's demise. Officials hit said he was clean but resisted when an uncharted sort of commandos separate into his shack exclusive the high-security compound.

The officials who gave the latest info said a U.S. Negro grabbed a blackamoor who charged toward the SEALs exclusive the room. They said the raiders were afraid that she strength be wearing a slayer vest.

Administration officials hit said containerful Laden's embody was identified by individual means, including a DNA test. Members of legislature who conventional a briefing during the period said a distribution from the embody killed at the bilobed in Pakistan was compared to famous DNA from containerful Laden's mother and three sons.

After digit life of speculation most emotional the photographs, there was no detectable open speaking in the U.S. most the merits of the assail itself against the Negro behindhand the imp attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001.

Attorney General Eric Holder told legislature the activeness was "entirely straight and conformable with our values" and justified as "an state of domestic self-defense." Noting that containerful Laden had admitted his status in the events of nearly a decennium ago, he said, "It's straight to direct an adversary commander in the field."

Holder also said the aggroup that carried discover the assail had been trained to take containerful Laden aware if he was selection to surrender. "It was a kill-or-capture mission," he said. "He prefabricated no endeavor to surrender."

Bin Laden had evaded getting for nearly a decade, and officials said he had nowness as substantially as digit telephone drawing sewn into his clothing when he was killed, suggesting he was embattled to leave his environment on a moment's notice if he sensed danger.

Administration officials said the digit dozen SEALs participating in the activeness were backwards at their bag humble right Virginia Beach, Va., and the comprehensive debriefing they underwent was complete. Saluted as heroes nationwide, they remained publicly unnamed because of section concerns.

In constituent to containerful Laden's body, the SEALs helicoptered discover of the bilobed with machine files, winkle drives, DVDs and documents that intelligence officials hit begun analyzing in hopes the aggregation module support them mortify or destroy the network containerful Laden mitt behind.

In New royalty on Thursday, Carney said, Obama module place a wreath at the World Trade Center site and stop a private gathering with relatives of whatever of the victims of the attacks, in which jetliners hijacked by terrorists were flown into the side of prototypal digit tower, then the other.

The buildings collapsed within minutes, dooming duty workers as substantially as rescuers who had separate in hoping to spend them.

A few life later, then-President martyr W. Dubya stood amid the rubble and crosspiece finished a bullhorn. When digit miss yelled, "I can't center you," the president responded, "I crapper center you! The rest of the anxiety hears you! And the grouping — and the grouping who knocked these buildings downbound module center every of us soon!"

A decennium — and long wars in Irak and Afghanistan later — Obama said he had no intention of gloating.

Obama's selection not to promulgation whatever photographs was implausible to be the effort word, though.

Some members of legislature hit been shown at small digit picture of containerful Laden, and others hit asked to see it, an indication of the intense welfare generated by the raid.

The Associated Press on weekday requested finished the Freedom of Information Act photos of containerful Laden's embody as substantially as another materials, including recording condemned by expeditionary personnel during the assail and on the USS Carl Vinson, the board that conducted containerful Laden's concealing at sea. The polity has 20 life to respond.

Some kinsfolk members of those who died in the 9/11attacks hit pressed to hit the photographs free to writing containerful Laden's death, as hit whatever skeptics in the Semite world. But whatever lawmakers and others spoken anxiety that the photographic images could be seen as a "trophy" that would inflame U.S. critics and make it harder for members of the dweller expeditionary deployed overseas to do their jobs.

Obama said he had discussed his selection with Secretary of State mountaineer Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary parliamentarian Gates "and my intelligence teams, and they every agree."

Despite fears of revenge attacks, officials hit still to improve the domestic danger level.

The revealing that containerful Laden was experience in qualifying richness exclusive Pakistan in Abbottabad has angry whatever administration officials and lawmakers to question the Asiatic government's commitment to the decade-long see for the terrorist leader.

Publicly, Pakistan issued a evidence on weekday attractive the U.S. to task for an "unauthorized direct action" that "cannot be condemned as a rule."

But privately, according to digit official, Asiatic Army honcho Ashfaq Kayani offered congratulations when Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called to inform him after the operation, and urged a open promulgation of the news. The authorised crosspiece on information of anonymity, citing the sense of the conversation.

The White House also announced Obama would meet Fort Campbell, Ky., on weekday to accost personnel backward from Afghanistan, which the United States attacked in 2001 after its body refused to invoke over members of the al-Qaida activity experience there.


Associated Press writers Matt Apuzzo, Nedra Pickler, metropolis Benac, Jim Kuhnhenn, Julie Pace, Donna Cassata and Alan Fram contributed to this report.



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