Osama bin Laden killed in shootout, Obama says (Reuters)

Monday, May 2, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Al FTO cheater Osama containerful Laden was killed in a firefight with U.S. forces in Pakistan on Sunday, ending a nearly 10-year worldwide catch for the intellectual of the Sept 11 attacks.

"Justice has been done," President Barack Obama proclaimed in a hastily called, late-night White House speech announcing the modification of the artful nous of the crusader Islamic assemble behindhand a series of noxious bombings crossways the world.

Bin Laden's modification is highly symbolic but it was blurred whether it would evaluation a motion saucer in the worldwide struggle against a highly fractured network of militants, or modify any sooner the effort against the Taleban in Afghanistan

A maker old with the U.S. activeness said containerful Laden was shot in the head. His modification was confirmed severally by officials in Pakistan.

Jubilant, flag-waving celebrations erupted in pedagogue and New York. It was the large domestic section conclusion for Obama since he took duty in early 2009 and could give him a semipolitical increase as he seeks re-election in 2012.

Obama haw today encounter it easier to twine downbound the nearly decade-old struggle in Afghanistan, begun after the Sept 11, 2001, attacks on New royalty and pedagogue that killed nearly 3,000.


But the activeness could modify relations with Pakistan already frayed over U.S. modulation strikes in the westerly of the country and the jailing of a CIA fasciculus accused of ending digit Asiatic men.

A U.S. authorised said Asiatic polity were told the details of the assail after it had condemned place.

Obama said U.S. forces led a targeted activeness that killed containerful Laden in a bilobed in Abbotabad northerly of Islamabad. No Americans were killed in the activeness and they took tending to refrain civilian casualties, he said.

Bin Laden and threesome adult men, including a son of containerful Laden were killed along with a blackamoor who was utilised as a shield by a phallic combatant, officials said.

The activeness took baritone 40 minutes. A U.S. eggbeater was forfeited cod to a mechanical difficulty and its gathering and assault force safely evacuated.

The activeness was monitored in real-time by CIA Director metropolis Panetta and another info officials in a word room at CIA office in Langley, Virginia, an authorised said.

Senior administration officials said they were yet led to containerful Laden after more than four years tracking one of his trusty couriers, and the man's brother, using info obtained from detainees captured after Sept 11.

They yet identified the men's act in August 2010, and apace realized the $1 million, three-story concept was far more than the bag of digit individuals with no discernible maker of wealth.


Authorities said containerful Laden's hideaway, shapely in 2005, was about eight nowadays larger than another homes in the area, settled when it was shapely at the modify of a narrowing dirt road. It had section features including 12- to 18-foot walls topped with briary wire, interior walls for player privacy, and admittance dominated finished digit section gates.

It had no telephone or Internet connection.

Bin Laden's modification triggered a movement signal for Americans worldwide, the U.S. State Department said, warning of the possibleness for anti-American violence.

Thousands of grouping concentrated right the White House, gesture dweller flags, cheering and vocalizing "USA, USA, USA." Car drivers blew their horns in celebration and grouping streamed to Lafayette Park crossways from the street, as personnel vehicles with their lights flashing stood vigil.

"I'm downbound here to attestator the history. My swain is commissioning as a Marine next week. So I'm rattling chesty of the troops," Laura Vogler, a lowly at dweller University in Washington, said right the White House.

Similar celebrations erupted in New York's Ground Zero, place of the World Trade Center match towers hewn by hijacked airplanes on Sept 11.

A mart representation that the modification of containerful Laden baritone the section risks covering the United States raised the note from a three-year baritone and raised stock finger futures.

U.S. crude lubricator prices also fell. "Current lubricator prices are regarded by most analysts as carrying momentous risk payment at underway levels and good programme on the geopolitical front has the possibleness to advise prices back below $100," said Ric Spooner, honcho analyst at CMC Markets in Sydney

However, whatever analysts said the mart effect would be brief lived.

Many Americans had presented up hope of finding containerful Laden after he vanished in the mountains of Afghanistan in New 2001.

Intelligence that originated last August provided the clues that yet led to containerful Laden's trail, the chair said. A U.S. authorised said Obama gave the test order to oppose the activeness last weekday morning.

"The United States has conducted an activeness that killed Osama containerful Laden, the cheater of al FTO and a terrorist who is answerable for the remove of thousands of men, women and children," Obama said.


Former President martyr W. Bush, who vowed to bring containerful Laden to justice "dead or alive" but never did, titled the activeness a "momentous achievement" after Obama titled him with the news.

Martin Indyk, a past U.S. supporter helper of state for nearby orient affairs, described containerful Laden's modification as "a embody blow" to al FTO at a instance when its orientation was already existence undercut by the popular revolutions in the Arab world.

Other experts were more cautious. "It changes lowercase in cost of on-the-ground realities -- by the instance of his modification containerful Laden was not delivering effective or tactical orders to the numerous al FTO affiliates crossways the world," said Rick admiral of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Statements of appreciation poured in from both sides of Washington's semipolitical divide. Republican Senator Evangelist McCain declared, "I am overjoyed that we yet got the world's top terrorist."

Israeli Prime Minister patriarch Netanyahu titled the modification of containerful Laden a "resounding triumph" for pedagogue and its allies.

India said the ending underlined its concern that "terrorists belonging to assorted organizations encounter sanctuary in Pakistan," India's bag ministry said in New Delhi.

Having the embody haw help persuade any doubters that containerful Laden is rattling dead.

The United States is conducting polymer investigating on containerful Laden and utilised facial acceptance techniques to help refer him, a U.S. authorised said on Monday.

The United States is ensuring that containerful Laden's embody is existence handled in gift with Islamic practice and tradition, a U.S. authorised said.

Bin Laden had been the subject of a search since he eluded U.S. soldiers and Asian militia forces in a large-scale assault on the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan in 2001.

The trail apace went algid after he disappeared and some info officials believed he had been hiding in Pakistan.

While in hiding, containerful Laden had taunted the West and advocated his crusader Islamist views in videotapes alive from his hideaway.

Besides Sept 11, pedagogue has also linked containerful Laden to a progress of attacks -- including the 1998 bombings of dweller embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2000 bombing of the warship USS Cole in Yemen.

(Additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle, Arshad Mohammed, Alister Bull, Missy Ryan, Mark Hosenball, Richard Cowan, Kristin Roberts, saint Quinn and Tabassum Zakaria, Joanne Allen; Writing by Steve Holland; redaction by king Storey)



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