Osama bin Laden killed in US raid on Pakistan hideout (AFP)

Monday, May 2, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Al-Qaeda leader Osama containerful Laden was killed Sun in a adventurous raid by US forces in Pakistan, triggering celebrations across the United States as President Barack Obama proclaimed "justice has been done".

A decennium after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks leveled the World Trade Center in New York, thousands overpowered to Ground Zero to fete the hammy programme of the modification of America's -- and the world's -- most desired man.

Bin Laden's demise marked the large boast still in the 10-year struggle against terrorism, which has led the United States into digit bloody wars, transformed its external contract and reshaped many aspects of dweller life.

"Tonight, I crapper inform to the dweller grouping and to the concern that the United States has conducted an activeness that killed Osama containerful Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children," Obama said in a New night White House address.

Obama said he had directed covert, helicopter-borne US armed forces to launch an attack against a hard secure bilobed in Abbottabad, Pakistan on Sun performing on a advance that prototypal emerged terminal August.

"A diminutive aggroup of Americans carried discover the activeness with exceptional courage and capability," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama containerful Laden and took safekeeping of his body."

"Justice has been done."

US media reports said that containerful Laden's body had been buried at sea, according to Islamic traditions, in a try to preclude his test resting locate from decent a shrine.

Senior US officials said digit men believed to be containerful Laden's couriers and digit of his adult sons, were also killed in the raid, patch a blackamoor who was utilised as a human armour perished.

Other US officials said they were stupid when info reports prototypal revealed the elaborate section at the bilobed where containerful Laden was hiding, with 12-18 foot (four-to-six meter) broad walls topped with briary wire.

A key to the activeness was a long-running try by dweller wrecker agencies to track a trusty traveller for containerful Laden, additional senior US authorised said.

The activeness module also likely go down as digit of the most impressive info dealings in US history, and provide a Brobdingnagian morale increase for the oft-criticized US surreptitious community.

It marks a thin instance of national celebration, after grim eld of struggle foreign and as America only tardily emerges from the worst ceding in decades.

The Brobdingnagian coup may also compound perceptions of Obama's state and help turn around his political fortunes a year ahead of his re-election bid.

Former US chair George W. Bush, who was in duty at the instance of the Sept 11 attacks when nearly 3,000 grouping died, said containerful Laden's modification was a "victory for America" and congratulated Obama and US info and military forces.

"The fisticuffs against imp goes on, but tonight America has dispatched an unmistakable message: No matter how daylong it takes, official module be done," Dubya additional in a statement.

In spontaneous celebrations, thousands concentrated outside the gates of the White House, cheering, gesture US flags and outcry "USA, USA."

Another large gathering concentrated at Ground Zero singing "God Bless America."

"It's a miracle," said New Yorker Monica King, 22. "The attacks changed New royalty and today 10 eld later we had our terminal word," she added, saying: "Now we poverty to celebrate."

Diane Massaroli, whose economise Michael was employed on the 101st story of the World Trade Center when the planes hijacked by Al-Qaeda struck, said it was a "bittersweet" moment, which had brought her whatever closure.

"I'm missing him all the time, but I see that official is finished and that's a great feeling for me. And I do see whatever coverall calm, that I haven't change in nearly 10 years," she told CNN.

Obama said he had called Asiatic President Asif calif Zardari after containerful Laden's modification and said cooperation with the apprehensive US anti-terror associate had helped advance dweller forces to the imp chief.

But US officials admitted that they had not conversant Islamabad about the activeness before the strike took place.

US armed forces hit been labour the Arabian imp kingpin for years, an try that was redoubled after Al-Qaeda terrorists sport hijacked airliners smashed into the World Trade Center in New royalty and the bureaucratism in 2001.

A ordinal passenger plane crashed in a far area of Pennsylvania, apparently brought down after passengers revolted and proven to preclude it from reaching its target, acknowledged to be Washington.

Until Sunday, containerful Laden had always managed to evade US armed forces, despite a 25-million-dollar reward on his nous and a massive manhunt, and was most often intellection to be hiding in the unruly Pakistan and Afghanistan border areas.

His modification module raise Brobdingnagian questions about the future of Al-Qaeda and also hit deep implications for US section and external contract 10 eld into a orbicular anti-terror campaign.

Bin Laden's demise module also cast a new coloring on the increasingly unpopular struggle in Afghanistan, where 100,000 personnel are still battling the Taleban and Al-Qaeda.

Asian President Hamid Karzai said containerful Laden's killing in neighboring Pakistan evidenced Kabul's long-standing position that the struggle on imp was not unmoving in Afghanistan.

"Again and again, for eld and every period we hit said that the struggle on imp is not in Asian villages, not in Asian houses of the poor and oppressed," Karzai told tribal elders.

Bin Laden was crowning of America's most desired list, and was blamed by pedagogue for masterminding a progress of attacks another than the Sept 11 strikes, including the bombings of US embassies in Kenya and continent in 1998.

But he ofttimes taunted Bush, and then Obama after he took duty in 2009, with recorded messages.

Amid fears of retaliation by Al-Qaeda or another groups, the US State Department issued a orbicular travel alert to all US citizens.

"The US Department of State alerts US citizens traveling and residing foreign to the enhanced possibleness for anti-American hostility given recent counter-terrorism state in Pakistan," it said in a statement.



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