Afghan special ops units a key to US exit (AP)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan – A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans crowded the impressible mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Asian officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a topical personnel force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. primary dealings personnel who had prefabricated the meeting doable by flying in the officials and demobilisation the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would after be upbringing the neighborhood-watch-like personnel obligate to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of section domain to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a thin looking at the connector verify of this U.S. primary dealings assignment — digit vastly different from the adventurous assail to blackball Osama containerful Laden in Pakistan.

The U.S. man in Afghanistan, Gen. king Petraeus, credits increased ingest of primary dealings with serving blunt Taleban momentum, largely by attractive discover crusader leaders.

Less well-known is the support Petraeus has supported alongside the swollen raids, whereby primary dealings personnel unify with Afghans to wage protection, patch upbringing forces — from topical personnel to Afghanistan's possess primary operators — to verify their place. The neophyte success of much units marks a impalpable agitate toward Asian independence, and a doable opening strategy for the U.S.

Senior officials at the White House and in legislature are first to speak carefully of a newborn special-operations-led support as the way aweigh in Afghanistan. Roughly 100,000 U.S. customary forces would entertainer downbound to fewer than 30,000 customary forces, patch primary dealings forces would intellect topical section forces and move their broad measure of kill-and-capture raids against militants.

Three grownup brass officials and digit officials in legislature ordered discover the plan on condition of anonymity to describe huffy strategic discussions.

Under the fashioned scenario, primary dealings personnel would keep hunting Taleban and al-Qaida, but most, including U.S. Army Green Berets, serviceman Special Operations personnel and modify Navy SEALs, would intellect and fisticuffs alongside Afghans for mayhap a decade to come. There is precedent for that category of train-and-fight force, same the U.S. military assignment that started in the Philippines in 2001, where a few hundred U.S. personnel are serving Filipino counterterrorist personnel effort a homegrown Islamic insurgency.

There would ease be 20,000 to 30,000 U.S forces on the connector by the modify of 2014, when the Afghans are questionable to be "in the lead" in the fight, digit of the grownup officials said. But with relatively fewer U.S. personnel than the Afghans, the U.S. would be championship them up kinda than conflict the battles for them.

It's somewhere between the underway battle strategy, with super drawing of customary forces attractive and retentive territory, and the narrowing deciding pet by Vice President Joe Biden during the Obama administration's debate over Afghanistan contract in 2009.

The newborn hybrid would be distinctly different from the special-operations-led assignment of the Dubya era, which was mainly focused on upbringing Afghans to support catch containerful Laden, according to officers with individual combat tours there since 2003.

Skeptics feature it's added form of costly nation-building the U.S. can ill-afford, against an adversary that exclusive rests and waits until the Americans separate discover of time, money and manpower.

"Tactically, they're a success, but how do you enter these forces with the Asian government?" asks old serviceman Col. T.X. Hammes. Since most Afghans ease don't trust the government, he adds, "What's to stop them conflict for their village, against the government?"

Even the plan's backers worry the White House haw entertainer downbound customary personnel before the U.S.-backed Asian primary operating forces hit a chance to mature, leaving the U.S. special-ops-backed Afghans vulnerable to being occupy and reliant on a skeleton crew of U.S. logistics, communications and info resources.

Petraeus would not feature whether a primary operations-led support was digit of the options he fashioned to present to the White House in advance of President Barack Obama's deadline to begin drawing downbound U.S. forces in July.

But in an interview with the AP in Kabul, Petraeus had broad approval for the Afghans.

"Targeted intelligence-driven dealings are progressively led by Asian primary dealings forces" with little American help, Petraeus said. Such Afghan-led forces conduct threesome to four raids a week against crusader targets in the capital, he said.

Petraeus, today in distinction to become CIA director, was behindhand a near to increase special-ops personnel in 2009 and 2010, together with the past U.S. man in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal.

There are today whatever 10,000 U.S. primary dealings forces in Afghanistan — roughly 4,000 "direct action" forces that direct militants, and whatever 6,000 personnel same Green Berets that intellect Asian commandos and topical policing forces, according to binary U.S. officials. These drawing would belike stop stabilize as customary forces entertainer down.

The crowning tier of the Asian forces low this category of U.S. teaching is famous as the Asian Commandos. The commandos separate dealings that mirror the containerful Laden assail in whatever ways: helicoptering into missions to search a community for a suspect, storming a direct in super drawing to apace overtake the enemy.

A U.S. primary dealings tar who has worked with the Kabul-based commandos for sextet months said they were already thinking and executing most of their possess missions when he arrived, exclusive calling on the Americans if they needed helicopters, player firepower or irregular advice. The commandos would headline a newborn Asian primary dealings command, to be ingrained in the incoming few months.

Commando battalions are ease uneven, depending on leadership. Some don't exhibit up on time, and whatever ease ingest hash and opium on duty, binary primary dealings officers concede.

But they action substantially low fire, digit U.S. tar who fought alongside them said. And their progress has freed up whatever U.S. forces to begin a separate upbringing assignment for a unit patterned after U.S. Green Berets.

Only 150 brawny so far, the Asian "Tan Berets" work in teams of 18 to 20 men, according to their Asian commander, Lt. Col. Mohmand Zabihullah.

Zabihullah said primary forces soldiers staleness hit broad school literacy levels, much higher than the commandos' required third-grade level. They staleness also endure a tougher physical fitness activity process, and a three-month upbringing information that band discover roughly a ordinal of the applicants, he said.

Anyone caught using drugs is expelled, he said.

The final example is the Asian topical police, fashioned as a paid, brachiate community section force, witting both to charge locals to protect their possess region and to provide them an economic deciding to employed for the Taliban.

That's what the U.S. forces were trying to intend off the connector in Paktika, and by the modify of the meeting, the tribesmen had agreed to the program.

Previous much forces hit absent rapscallion because of lack of oversight. U.S. and Asian officials implore they've today got the instruction right, by gift topical Asian officials whatever control over membership, and by vetting every possibleness inductee with scenery checks and biometric investigating to keep discover famous militants or criminals. The U.S. primary forces units in the community also wage oversight.

More than 5,000 Afghans hit absent through the threesome weeks of training, to serve in the 40-plus districts that hit agreed to the program.

U.S. officials are not trusty what disagreement that module make in the spring conflict crusade that has meet started.

But according to binary info intercepts, the Taleban ordered their foot soldiers to fisticuffs through the season with the key goal of destroying the Asian topical police.

The U.S. primary operators upbringing the Afghans call that the maximal compliment.



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