Al Qaeda confirms bin Laden is dead and vows revenge (Reuters)

Friday, May 6, 2011 9:01 AM By dwi

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Al FTO confirmed Osama containerful Laden was departed on Friday, dispelling whatever of the fog around the ending of the "holy warrior," and vowed to mount more attacks on the West.

The announcement by the Islamist network, which promised to publicize a taped communication from containerful Laden soon, appeared probable to silence doubts spoken by whatever that he had died at all.

In a evidence online, it said containerful Laden's murder "is more precious to us and to every Muslim than to be lost in vain."

"It module remain, with authorisation from God the Almighty, a anathemize that hunts the Americans and their collaborators and chases them exclusive and right their country."

Al FTO urged Pakistanis to uprise up against their polity to "cleanse" the land of what it called the shame brought on it by containerful Laden's actuation and of the "filth of the Americans who distribute corruption in it."

"Before the swayer passed from this concern and before he could deal with the Islamic commonwealth in its joys over its revolutions in the grappling of the oppressors, he transcribed a voice transcription of congratulations and advice which we module publicize soon, God willing," the militant assemble said.

"We monish the Americans not to harm the remains of the swayer or guy it to some indecent communication or to harm some members of his family, experience or dead, and to hit the corpses to their families," it added. U.S. officials feature containerful Laden's embody has been buried at sea.

Anger and distrustfulness between pedagogue and Islamabad showed no clew of dispersing.

A U.S. modulation killed 17 in north Pakistan, despite warnings from the Asiatic expeditionary against the mounting of attacks within its borders. Islamists in the southward rallied to dedicate revenge for the actuation of the "martyr" containerful Laden. Asian Taleban and Islamist Indonesian youths made kindred threats.


One of Osama containerful Laden's wives, Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, told Asiatic interrogators the al FTO cheater had been experience for fivesome eld in the bilobed where he was killed by U.S. forces this week, a Asiatic section authorised told Reuters.

The revelation appeared trusty to heighten U.S. suspicions that Asiatic polity hit been either grossly inept or activity a threefold mettlesome in the catch for containerful Laden and the digit countries' supposed partnership against ferocious Islamism.

Pakistani section forces took between 15 and 16 grouping into safekeeping from the Abbottabad bilobed after U.S. forces removed containerful Laden's body, said the section official. Those detained included containerful Laden's threesome wives and several children.

Surveillance of containerful Laden's hideout from a CIA safe concern in Abbottabad had led to his ending in the Navy SEAL operation, U.S. officials said.

The U.S. officials, quoted by the pedagogue Post, said the safe concern had been the humble for intelligence gathering that began after containerful Laden's bilobed was discovered terminal August.

U.S. officials told the New York Times machine files and documents seized at his bilobed showed containerful Laden had for eld orchestrated attacks from the Asiatic town, and may hit been thinking a accomplish on U.S. railways this year.

The fact that containerful Laden was institute in a garrison municipality -- his bilobed was not farther from a expeditionary establishment -- has ashamed Pakistan and the furtive raid has angered its military.

On Thursday, the Pakistan grey threatened to prevent counter-terrorism cooperation with the United States if it conducted some more kindred raids.

It was unclear if such attacks included modulation strikes which the U.S. expeditionary regularly conducts against militants along Pakistan's abut with Afghanistan.

On weekday U.S. modulation bomb fired missiles into a concern in North Waziristan region on Friday, ending at least 17 suspected militants.

Pakistani section officials hit live that U.S. troops, after landing by helicopter, try the clean al FTO cheater in cold murder kinda than in a firefight, as U.S. officials first suggested.

One senior Asiatic authorised told Reuters on Friday: "We didn't find some bullet shells exclusive the house. There is no doubt that no shots were fired from there."

Another section authorised said: "If there was exchange of blast between U.S. Navy SEALS and grouping exclusive the concern then they (Americans) should establish it. They must hit footage of the operation. They should promulgation it."

In Washington, grouping familiar with the stylish U.S. polity news on the raid told Reuters on Thursday exclusive digit of four capital targets try departed by U.S. commandos had been participating in belligerent fire.

U.S. officials originally spoke of a 40-minute firefight. The White House has blamed the "fog of war" for the dynamical accounts.

U.N. human rights investigators called on the United States to disclose the flooded facts "to earmark an assessment in cost of international human rights accumulation standards."

"It module be specially important to undergo if the thinking of the assignment allowed an try to getting containerful Laden," Christof Heyns and histrion Scheinin said in a joint statement.


Few Americans materialize to hit qualms most how containerful Laden was killed, and on Thursday grouping cheered President Barack Obama when he visited the site of New York's match towers, leveled by al FTO on Sept 11, 2001, ending nearly 3,000 people.

But many Americans are questioning how containerful Laden could live for eld in a municipality abundant with expeditionary personnel, 50 km (30 miles) from Islamabad. Two U.S. lawmakers hit complained most the billions in U.S. aid to necessitous Pakistan.

Seeking to repair ties, Secretary of State mountaineer politico said in leaders on Thursday that pedagogue was ease anxious to maintain its alinement with Islamabad.

Friction between pedagogue and Pakistan has convergent on the persona of Pakistan's top section service, the ISI or Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate. Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir denied Asiatic forces had aided al Qaeda.

Lobbyists for Pakistan in pedagogue hit launched an intense campaign on Capitol Hill to counter accusations that Islamabad deliberately gave country to containerful Laden.

(Additional news by Erika Solomon in Dubai, archangel Georgy in Islamabad and Reuters bureaux worldwide; composition by Andrew Roche; editing by Angus MacSwan)



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