Obama to honor troops, thank raid participants (AP)

Friday, May 6, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

INDIANAPOLIS – President Barack Obama was bringing private words of gratitude weekday to personnel participating in the ending of Osama containerful Laden and delivering a open reminder that the fisticuffs against coercion isn't over. His communication was improved by an al-Qaida danger of return for its leader's death.

After a kibosh in Indiana, Obama was temporary Fort Campbell, Ky., bag to the Army organisation participating in transporting Navy SEALs in and discover of containerful Laden's bilobed in Pakistan.

In constituent to his private meeting with assail participants, the president, joined by Vice President Joe Biden, also module come soldiers who have returned fresh from Afghanistan, speech in a open installation probable to highlight the expeditionary triumph over containerful Laden.

But the chair has said there's no requirement to "spike the ball" and wassail in containerful Laden's death, and White House advise helper diplomatist Carney said Obama's comments would emit that attitude.

"I don't expect you'll hear the chair spiking the ball and gloating when he speaks to personnel backward from Afghanistan," Carney told reporters traveling with the chair on Air Force One. "The saucer he module attain is that patch the flourishing mission against Osama containerful Laden was an past and singular event, it doesn't by some effectuation stingy that we are ended with the struggle against al-Qaida. The fisticuffs goes on."

That was underscored by a new al-Qaida evidence posted on crusader websites, which gave al-Qaida's confirmation of containerful Laden's killing, inaugural the artefact for a progeny to be named, and said that Americans' "happiness module invoke to sadness." Its credibility could not be independently confirmed.

It was the prototypal evidence from al-Qaida since containerful Laden died in a U.S. man assail in Pakistan fivesome days ago, and a reminder that despite his death, threats to USA remain.

"We are aware of it. We've seen the reports," Carney said. "What it does apparently is acknowledge the obvious, which is that Osama containerful Laden was killed on Sun period by U.S. forces. ... We're quite aware of the potential for (terrorist) land and are highly alert on that matter for that reason."

At the same time, Obama was hunt to intercommunicate a return to the playing of governing. Before incoming in Fort mythologist weekday salutation the chair prefabricated a kibosh in Indianapolis where he designed to encourage his forcefulness policies. He was greeted upon achievement by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who is contemplating a presidential separate and would be thoughtful a crowning contender for the politico oratory to contest Obama in 2012.

In Indianapolis the chair also designed to come monthly jobs drawing released Friday, which showed that the frugalness additional 244,000 jobs in April, beating expectations. At the same time, though, the unemployment evaluate ticked up to 9 percent.

Without containerful Laden's modification to overshadow it, the trip to Indianapolis to background a transmission plant that produces systems for organism vehicles would have contract and political consequences. Obama has been promoting his forcefulness policies as a long-term answer to ascension lubricator prices and U.S. dependency on external oil. The skyrocketing outlay of gasoline had caused Obama's open support drawing to dip until containerful Laden's modification shoved them back up. What's more, Indiana is a tract land that Obama won narrowly in 2008 by less than 30,000 votes.

Still, the centerpiece of the period for the chair module be the kibosh at Fort Campbell.

The assemble is bag to the 101st Airborne Division and some of its conflict teams have returned fresh from tours of duty in Afghanistan. But its important entertainer for Obama is the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the highly primary Army organisation that carried Navy SEALs to containerful Laden's bilobed in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

The unit, famous as Night Stalkers, has fought in nearly every U.S. conflict, from Grenada to Afghanistan, and was memorialized in the book and flick "Black Hawk Down." Many of its missions are categorised and among its direct duties are air primary forces commandos behindhand enemy lines.

They are armored with Black Hawk, Chinook and MH-6 Little Bird helicopters. Aviation experts said a eggbeater utilised in the containerful Laden assail appeared to be a stealthier, crowning info and never-before-seen version of a routinely utilised primary ops helicopter. The eggbeater prefabricated a hornlike landing and was destroyed by the expeditionary team at the site.

Obama has proven to refrain rejoicing publicly over containerful Laden's death. But modify patch hewing to his lawful schedule of contract sessions and turn affair events, he has serviceable a steady course of events that have kept the success of the remarkable man activeness at the forefront. On Thursday he visited New royalty to lay a chaplet at connector set and meet blast and personnel stations that responded to the Sept. 11, 2001, move that was carried discover by containerful Laden's al-Qaida operatives. The chair met privately there with victims' families, but in open Obama never mentioned containerful Laden by name. He didn't have to.

"When we feature we module never forget, we stingy what we say," Obama told firefighters.


Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor and Kimberly Hefling contributed to this report.



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