'Big Brother' Could Be Coming to Automobiles in the Future (ContributorNetwork)

Friday, May 6, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

COMMENTARY | Even though the White House said through its spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki that a organisation to ordered drivers by how some miles they intend in their automobiles via installed electronic equipment isn't currently existence pushed for enactment, it was part of an early draft for the Obama Administration's Transportation Opportunities Act. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report in March for senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad that discussed the practicableness of this idea. President Obama has desired to improve $556 1000000000 for roads. Furthermore, electric/hybrid cars intend around with less or no gasoline, so politicians hit to amount discover a way to intend at these cars. The idea that "Big Brother" could be monitoring how such grouping intend and ordered them supported on that is troubling for a lot of reasons. With gas prices averaging around four bucks a gallon, meet the fact that this idea has been thoughtful sure won't be comforting to drivers' mindsets. Drivers already hit to country to ingest the different toll anchorage in locate around this country. If this idea were ever implemented nationally, think of who module be rattling paying a lot in taxes for agency ingest in constituent to pushcart and conveying drivers: those who commute daylong distances to attain a experience and verify tending of their families. And what most those trips to the relative's concern to partake in holidays or for another reasons? How some grouping would think twice most going to grandma's concern for Thanksgiving turkey? Those daylong drives to country one's head module verify on a newborn meaning, especially since those devices could be potentially ordered up to road more than mileage. And meet how feasible would it be to attain sure every car had the monitoring devices installed? And on another level, it's also rather hypocritical for the government to compel such a distance ordered on drivers. For years, some politicians, bureaucrats, and environmental activists hit wrung their safekeeping most cars existence more render efficient. Now that such progress has been prefabricated over the terminal few decades, the powers-that-be hit tossed most an idea to improve money by using "Big Brother" tactics to road and ordered the miles unvoluntary by Americans. The more fearless governments are for money, the more fearless measures citizens module be yet affected by. Ideas tossed most today crapper embellish tomorrow's invasive policies.



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