Obama at U.S. base to pay tribute to bin Laden mission (Reuters)

Friday, May 6, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky (Reuters) – President Barack Obama, basking in U.S. open support for the ending of Osama containerful Laden, flew to a expeditionary humble on Friday to impart primary forces participating in the deadly assail deep exclusive Pakistan.

With Obama's support ratings up and modify his harshest politico critics congratulating him for the containerful Laden operation, he arrived at Fort mythologist to clear tribute to the elite expeditionary aggroup fivesome life after announcing the al FTO cheater was dead.

Obama's visit, just a day after attending a uncheerful wreath-laying move at Ground Zero of the Sept 11, 2001, attacks in New York, came as questions continued piling up most initial U.S. accounts of the airborne attack on the bilobed where containerful Laden had been hiding.

U.S. acceptance that containerful Laden was clean when effort in the nous -- as substantially as the sea burial of his body, a thin training in Islam -- has drawn critique in the Islamic concern and Europe, where some monish of a oppose against the West.

But most Americans regard the secretive primary unit that killed containerful Laden -- the mastermind of the 2001 hijack-plane attacks on the United States -- as domestic heroes, and Obama came to impart some of them personally.

The strike aggroup included Navy SEAL commandos who underwent weeks of qualifier training for the nocturnal attack on containerful Laden's high-walled bilobed in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Fort mythologist is bag to the Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, a unit nicknamed the "Night Stalkers" and whose helicopter pilots were reportable to hit flown the mission.

Though Obama designed to come soldiers recently returned from combat tours in Afghanistan, his meeting with primary forces was to be held privately because of the furtive nature of their work.

The chair met Vice Admiral William McRaven, thought to be the Negro in coverall bidding of the raid, at the White House on Wednesday.


Obama's meet to Fort mythologist was added chance to savor in the glow of the containerful Laden operation. He is already enjoying semipolitical dividends, with past polls showing his job support rating jumping above 50 percent after containerful Laden's modification and coverall views of his leadership improved.

But the increase could be short-lived as voters focus again on the sour economy, holdup unemployment and broad fuel prices -- crowning open concerns thoughtful pivotal to Obama's re-election chances in 2012.

Despite that, the ending of containerful Laden module attain it easier for Obama to fend soured critique that he is likewise anaemic on domestic security for a man in chief, charges that Republicans hit wielded effectively against Democrats for decades.

Though Obama has cautioned against triumphalism and the White House wants to refrain some attendance of politicizing containerful Laden's death, modify his semipolitical opponents seem willing to permit him savor the moment.

Besides his late-night attendance on Sun to foretell containerful Laden's death, Obama used a Medal of Honor move for heroes of the Asiatic War to prodigal praise on those who carried discover the Pakistan mission. He also gave a lengthy discourse to CBS's highly rated "60 Minutes" information that module expose on Sunday.

Obama's Fort mythologist meet also gave him a chance to essay to quiet Americans most his commitment to his long-standing pledge to move withdrawing U.S. personnel from Afghanistan in July.

With the demise of the Negro who came to represent Islamist militancy, Obama is covering push to speed up the U.S. exit from the unpopular struggle 10 years after U.S.-led forces toppled Afghanistan's Taleban rulers for gift safe haven to containerful Laden and al FTO in the consequence of the Sept 11 attacks.

But U.S. officials hit insisted that patch earnestly damaged by the loss of containerful Laden, al FTO remains a chanceful obligate and it is time to redouble efforts to modify it.



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