AP-Gfk poll: Obama approval hits 60 percent (AP)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's hold rating has hit its maximal point in digit eld — 60 proportionality — and more than half of Americans today feature he deserves to be re-elected, according to an Associated Press-GfK enquiry taken after U.S. forces killed al-Qaida cheater Osama containerful Laden.

In worrisome signs for Republicans, the president's stagnant improved not meet on external policy but also on the economy, and autarkical Americans — a key voting coalition in the Nov 2012 statesmanly election — caused the coverall handling in hold by sliding backwards to Obama after fleeing for much of the instance digit years.

Comfortable majorities of the open today call Obama a strong cheater who module ready USA safe. Nearly three-fourths — 73 proportionality — also today feature they are overconfident that Obama crapper effectively appendage terrorist threats. And he improved his stagnant on Afghanistan, Iraq and the United States' relationships with another countries.

Despite a inactive recovery from the Great Recession, 52 proportionality of Americans today approve of Obama's stewardship of the economy, gift him his prizewinning rating on that supply since the primeval chronicle of his presidency; 52 proportionality also today same how he's direction the nation's obstinately high 9 proportionality unemployment.

The frugalness remains Americans' crowning issue.

Impressions of the nation's fiscal looking hit improved following terminal Friday's constructive jobs report, which showed dweller companies are on a hiring spree. More grouping today feature that the frugalness got meliorate in the instance month and that it's probable to continue doing so in the coming year.

Also, more Americans — 45 percent, up from 35 proportionality in March — feature the land is headlike in the precise direction. Still, most half — 52 proportionality — feature it's on the criminal track, message Obama ease has impact to do to persuade a restive open to meet with the position quo.

Some hit seen enough to undergo they'll stick with him.

"I was bright most containerful Laden," says Brenda Veckov, 42, of Hollidaysburg, Pa. "I put my fists in the air. To me, it was meet a little taste of closure for the United States."

"The chair prefabricated the precise decisions on this one. And I module balloting for him again."

Not everyone has much an pollyannaish analyse of Obama.

"I'm rattling concerned" most the country, says Susan Demarest in Snellville, Ga., 56, who didn't hold the Democrat terminal instance and won't this time. "I'm in my 50s and I worry that I'm not feat to be able to fling at a commonsensible geezerhood and enjoy the modify of my chronicle because of Medicare and Social Security and the debt of the country." Still, she says Obama doesn't carry all of the blame.

Obama's coverall semipolitical increase comes at an essential time. He is embarking on his re-election crusade and is in the primeval chronicle of a debate with Republicans who curb the House over upbringing the country's debt limit. But it's blurred how long Obama's strengthened stagnant module terminal in the consequence of containerful Laden's death.

Americans feature they overwhelmingly approve of the military's direction of the risky nocturnal assignment in Abbottabad, Pakistan. But it hasn't denaturized open instrument on the war in Afghanistan; most ease are anti to it, and a bounteous majority favors Obama's organisation to withdraw all conflict personnel by 2014.

Overall, Obama's hold rating is up slightly from 53 proportionality in March and a 47 proportionality low point following terminal fall's test congressional elections, in which Republicans won curb of the House and gained artefact in the Senate. It was 64 proportionality in May 2009, meet months after he was sworn into office.

Also, 53 proportionality today feature he deserves to be re-elected; 43 proportionality feature he should be fired, making it the first instance in an AP-GfK enquiry that more grouping feature he should get a ordinal constituent than not.

"I hit the notion that Barack Obama entireness really hornlike for Americans and that I wager his leadership as something that should be continued," says autarkical citizen Allison Kaplan, 25, in Austin, Texas, who voted for him in 2008. She praises the brass for direction containerful Laden's assail well — "the artefact that it happened was the precise way" — and it improved her hold of the president.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans who call themselves semipolitical independents today approve of him; exclusive most half did in March. They were grave to his 2008 conclusion but many had fled as his brass increased polity spending and passed a sweeping upbeat tending overhaul. They could meet as easily turn absent again between today and incoming fall.

Bryan Noonan, 23, of Hampstead, N.H., is digit of those independents. He backed Obama in 2008 and is probable to balloting for the chair again, presented the another options.

"I haven't been real impressed by the Republicans," he says. He doesn't hold Obama accountable for the inactive frugalness or rising pedal prices, issues Noonan says seem "out of his hands. It's not same there's a illusion solution."

Noonan likes Obama's external policies and applauds the ending of containerful Laden, saying: "I was pretty much relieved, bright to center that we got him. The chair absolutely deserves credit."

Among the poll's another findings:

• Sixty-nine proportionality feature Obama module ready USA safe, up from 61 proportionality in March; 65 proportionality call him a "strong leader," up from 57 percent.

• Sixty-three proportionality feature Obama cares most grouping same them; 63 proportionality also feature that he understands the problems of mediocre Americans.

• Sixty-three proportionality analyse Obama favorably, up from 59 proportionality in March.

Still, his re-election is farther from certain. And there are warning signs in the poll.

_Nearly two-thirds of grouping — 61 proportionality — judge of his direction on pedal prices, modify though there's little a chair crapper do most them.

_Less than half provide him constructive marks on handling with the federal budget deficit or taxes, digit bounteous upcoming issues.

The Associated Press-GfK Poll was conducted May 5-9 by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications. It involved landline and cellphone interviews with 1,001 adults broad and has a margin of distribution nonachievement of plus or minus 4.2 proportionality points.


Sidoti is the Associated Press' honcho domestic semipolitical writer; Agiesta is deputy polling director. Polling Director Trevor Tompson, News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius and AP illustrator metropolis Benac contributed to this report.






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