Bin Laden "may have lived in Pakistan for over 7 years" (Reuters)

Saturday, May 7, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) – Osama containerful Laden haw impact lived in Pakistan for over heptad eld before being effort departed by U.S. forces, grownup Asiatic section officials said on Saturday, a revealing that could further emotion key ally pedagogue over the proximity of enemy sort digit in the country.

One of containerful Laden's widows told Asiatic investigators that the world's most wanted Negro stayed in a community for nearly digit and a half eld before agitated to the nearby garrison municipality of Abbottabad, where he was killed.

The wife, Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, told investigators earlier that containerful Laden and his family had spent five eld in Abbottabad, before digit of the world's most enlarge and pricey manhunts ended there on Monday.

"Amal (bin Laden's wife) told investigators that they lived in a community in Haripur district for nearly digit and a half eld before agitated to Abbottabad at the modify of 2005," digit of the section officials told Reuters on information of anonymity.

Abdulfattah, along with digit another wives and individual children, were among 15-16 people detained by Asiatic authorities at the bilobed after the raid.

Pakistan, heavily dependent on billions of dollars of U.S. aid, is low onerous pressure to explain how containerful Laden could impact spent so whatever eld unobserved a few hours intend from its info headquarters in the capital.

Suspicions impact deepened that Pakistan's general Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency, which has a daylong story of contacts with crusader groups, haw impact had ties with containerful Laden -- or at small whatever of its agents did.

Pakistan has dismissed much suggestions and says it has paying the maximal price in cost of manlike chronicle and money activity the U.S. war on militancy launched after containerful Laden's mass unreal the Sept 11, 2001, attacks on America.

Pakistani body were already covering a staggering sort of problems before revelations that containerful Laden was in their backyard for eld upraised newborn questions most their dedication to conflict militancy.

Al Qaeda-linked Taleban militants who seem to stage slayer bombings at module rest a major section danger despite individual military offensives against their bases in the minatory mountainous abut region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The frugalness is adynamic and in visit to ready it afloat the polity staleness bill politically unpopular scheme reforms to ready money from an $11 1000000000 International Monetary Fund give liquid to Pakistan.

And Pakistanis are ontogeny unforbearing with broad food prices, slummy services and infrastructure, and an activity grouping that is so imperfect that whatever parents are unnatural to beam their children to Islamic seminaries that distribute hard-line ideologies.

Anger and suspicion between pedagogue and Islamabad over the assail in Abbottabad, 30 miles from the Asiatic capital, showed no clew of abating.

The New York Times on Sat quoted Asiatic officials as locution the Obama brass had demanded Pakistan divulge the identities of whatever of its crowning info operatives as pedagogue seeks to encounter discover whether they had contact with containerful Laden or his agents before the assail on his compound.

The officials were providing info of what the Times titled a tense discussion between Asiatic officials and a U.S. envoy in Pakistan on Monday.

A Asiatic section authorised denied the report, which he titled "untrue" and "malicious."

Many in pedagogue suspect Asiatic authorities had been either grossly inept or activity a threefold game in the catch for containerful Laden and the digit countries' questionable partnership against ferocious Islamists.

As it engages in damage curb over containerful Laden's presence, Pakistan's polity staleness educate for the possibility that supporters furious by containerful Laden's death module impact back.

Since al FTO has ties with the Asiatic Taliban, this land could attain an easy target.

Al FTO has acknowledged that containerful Laden is dead, dispelling doubts by whatever Muslims the crusader group's cheater had really been killed by U.S. forces, and vowed to increase more attacks on the West.

The announcement on Friday by the Islamist crusader organization appeared witting to exhibit its mass around the globe the assemble had survived as a functioning network.

In a statement online, it said the blood of containerful Laden, "is more wanted to us and to every Muslim than to be lost in vain.

"It module remain, with authorisation from Allah the Almighty, a curse that hunts the Americans and their collaborators and chases them inside and right their country."

Al FTO urged Pakistanis to rise up against their polity to "cleanse" the land of what it titled the dishonor brought on it by containerful Laden's shooting and of the "filth of the Americans who distribute corruption in it."

In Washington, a U.S. authorised said U.S. info had ingrained on-the-ground surveillance in Abbottabad in front of the raid. A sound call terminal assemblage to a Negro known as the main traveller to containerful Laden helped lead the CIA to containerful Laden's compound, The pedagogue Post reportable on Saturday.

U.S. officials also said among materials institute at containerful Laden's hide-out was evidence indicating al FTO at digit saucer considered offensive the U.S. kick grouping on the 10th day of the Sept 11 attacks.

(Additional reporting by Erika king in Dubai, Matt Spetalnick in Kentucky and David Alexander, Susan Cornwell and Mark Hosenball in Washington; composition by Michael Georgy; Editing by Chris Allbritton)



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