Candid videos show rare view of unkempt bin Laden (AP)

Sunday, May 8, 2011 12:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – From a shabby, temporary office, he ran a orbicular terrorist empire. The world's most desired man watched newscasts of himself from a tiny broadcasting alert atop a rickety older desk untidy with wires.

For years, the concern exclusive saw the 54-year-old Osama containerful Laden in the rare propaganda videos that trickled out, the ones portraying him as a attractive churchlike figure unfazed by being the target of a worldwide manhunt.

On Saturday, the U.S. free a containerful of videos, selected to exhibit containerful Laden in a much more candid, uncomplimentary light. In the brief clips, containerful Laden appears hunched and tired, sitting on the floor, watching broadcasting enwrapped in a pelage blanket and wearing a knit cap. Outtakes of his propaganda tapes exhibit that they were hard scripted affairs. He dyed and trimmed his beard for the cameras, then effort and reshot his remarks until the timing and illumination were meet right.

The videos were among the evidence seized by Navy SEALs after a pre-dawn assail Monday that killed containerful Laden in his walled Asiatic compound. The movies, along with machine disks, thumb drives and handwritten notes, expose that containerful Laden was ease actively participating in thinking and leading al-Qaida's plots against the U.S., according to a grownup U.S. info authorised who briefed reporters Sat and insisted his name not be used.

"The touchable institute in the bilobed exclusive boost confirms how essential it was to go after Bin Laden," said CIA director Leon Panetta in a evidence Saturday. "Since 9/11, this is what the dweller people hit expected of us. In this grave operation, we delivered."

The notes and machine touchable showed that containerful Laden's bilobed was a command-and-control edifice for al-Qaida, where the terrorist intellectual stayed in occurrence with al-Qaida affiliates around the concern through a network of couriers, the info authorised said. Bin Laden was hot to accomplish dweller cities again and discussed ways to attack trains, officials said, though it appeared that organisation never progressed beyond primeval discussions.

Officials said the clips shown to reporters were meet conception of the largest assemblage of grownup terrorist materials ever collected. The evidence seized during the assail also includes good numbers and documents that officials wish module help fortuity the backwards of the methodicalness behindhand the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The videos display "out-takes" — the miscues by bin-Laden that were destined for the cutting-room story — were offered as boost grounds of containerful Laden's death. President Barack Obama definite this hebdomad not to promulgation photos of containerful Laden's body, which were deemed likewise gruesome to reveal. The U.S. has said it addicted containerful Laden's modification using DNA.

But by selecting uncomplimentary clips of containerful Laden, the U.S. is also employed to shatter the ikon he worked so hard to craft.

"It showed that containerful Laden was not the superhero he desired his people to think," said Rep. saint King, R-N.Y., the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

One recording clearly shows the imp cheater choosing and changing channels with a remote control, which he points at what appears to be a equipment cable box. U.S. officials hit previously said there was a equipment dish for broadcasting getting but no cyberspace or good lines ran to the house. Cellphones were illegal on the compound.

It's blurred how many tapes were pulled discover of the house, and U.S. officials feature they're scouring the info so quickly it has not modify been catalogued and counted yet. But there haw be a treasure of recordings. According to the book "Growing Up containerful Laden," by his first spouse and fourth son, the terrorist cheater nearly always kept a enter functionary nearby to verify downbound his thoughts, plans and musings about persuasion and the world.

Among the touchable bimanual discover was an al-Qaida propaganda video, ostensibly witting for open release, entitled "Message to the dweller People," probable filmed sometime last fall, the authorised said. Bin Laden has not free a recording since 2007, and officials were not trusty ground this digit had not been released.

The authorised said the brief recorded communication denigrated capitalism and included anti-American messages similar to his preceding tapes, but he refused to feature if it included a direct danger against the United States. The polity free the recording without good because it did not poverty to disseminate a terrorist message.

Al-Qaida has addicted the modification of its founder, but did not foretell a successor. Intelligence officials hit condemned that as an communication that the attack dealt a heavy expiration to the organization. The most probable successor, al-Qaida deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri, is not as attractive as containerful Laden and is not as popular in the group. Officials hit said he is implausible to galvanize mass as containerful Laden had.

A duty force headlike by the CIA is employed through the material, combing it ammo the clock to encounter clues to plots that strength already be under way. The U.S. launched airstrikes in Pakistan and Yemen this week, but the U.S. authorised would not support whether the containerful Laden info has already led to attacks.

Arabic speakers from around the info community hit been broached to help review the material. The team includes code-breakers at the National Security Agency, equipment specialists from National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and the FBI.



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