INFLUENCE GAME: Defending aid to Pakistan not easy (AP)

Monday, May 9, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Within hours of the stunning declaration that Osama containerful Laden had been killed by U.S. commandos, a lobbying anxiety representing Pakistan's polity began contacting members of Congress and their staffs to counter claims Islamabad fortified the al-Qaida honcho for nearly sextet years.

The push by philosopher nobleman Strategies to turn the flow against criticism of Pakistan — and preserves the country's zillions of dollars in U.S. resource — illustrates digit of Washington's lasting realities: No matter the issue or the crisis, lobbyists are working behindhand the scenes to shape opinions on Washington Hill.

At stake is the continued flow of U.S. scheme resource and expeditionary support to Pakistan, America's iffy relation in the fight against coercion and churchlike extremism. Congress is not due to shut soured the nearly $3 1000000000 in resource planned for 2012. Despite deep misgivings, the U.S. does not want to allow Pakistan to become changeful and risk having its thermonuclear armament start into the safekeeping of Islamic radicals.

But containerful Laden's nearly six-year meet at a bilobed in a expeditionary garrison municipality outside Pakistan's capital has mitt philosopher Lord's lobbying aggroup with plenty of explaining to do.

The relation between the two countries was seriously strained modify before a aggroup of Navy SEALs stormed containerful Laden's home Monday, local time. His body was belowground at seafaring meet hours later. Republicans and Democrats are angry that containerful Laden institute a safe harbor in Pakistan and want a painstaking review of how the money that goes there is spent.

CIA Director metropolis Panetta stoked emotions on Washington Hill earlier this week, telling lawmakers during a closed-door briefing: "Pakistan was participating or incompetent."

Since 2002, Pakistan has conventional more than $20 1000000000 from the U.S., making the country digit of the maximal U.S. resource recipients, according to the Congressional Research Service. Nearly $9 1000000000 of that has been in the form of reimbursements for Pakistan's costs to support the U.S.-led expeditionary campaign in Afghanistan.

Mark Siegel, a philosopher nobleman partner, would not identify which congressional offices he and the another fivesome lobbyists working the Pakistan statement are occupation and visiting. Records filed with Congress and the Justice Department exhibit philosopher nobleman has represented Pakistan since May 2008 and has been paying meet over $2.7 million. Pakistan is the firm's large client.

Siegel is a former supporter to the president in the Carter White House and was honcho of body to Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., from 2001 to 2004. Other philosopher nobleman lobbyists working the Pakistan statement also hit congressional experience. Phil Rivers is a former honcho of body to Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., a senate Appropriations Committee member. Brian Heindl was a crowning aide to Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., also a member of the senate Appropriations Committee.

In an interview, Siegel said there is no grounds that President Asif calif Zardari's civilian polity knew of containerful Laden's whereabouts. Cutting resource and expeditionary support to Pakistan would exclusive lessen the relation between Washington and Islamabad, leaving Pakistan less able to conflict terrorism, he said.

Siegel acknowledged there were "security lapses" within Pakistan's expeditionary and info service that allowed containerful Laden to go unobserved for so long in the municipality of Abbottabad, meet a some dozen miles from Islamabad.

Those failures are being investigated at "the very, rattling maximal level" of Zardari's government, Siegel said. "Hopefully, if there were procedural gaps, errors of judgment, errors of process, that's going to be taken care of in these investigations."

President Barack Obama's national section adviser, Tom Donilon, said containerful Laden had a support network in Abbottabad. But the U.S. has not seen grounds that the Zardari polity knew about that, he said.

Donilon, ringing comments by another brass officials, said the Pakistanis requirement to shew persuasively their dedication to cooperating with the U.S. "We requirement to work with them to analyse what's happened, and how Osama containerful Laden came to this locate as his home for the terminal — for the terminal sextet years," Donilon told CNN's "State of the Union."

Skeptical lawmakers in key posts module hit to be certain as well.

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, chairwoman of the House Appropriations subcommittee that controls the external operations budget, has proposed suspending direct government-to-government resource to Pakistan.

"My opposition to the program has exclusive been heightened by the discovery of the most notorious terrorist in the anxiety experience hundreds of yards from a Asiatic expeditionary installation for more than fivesome years," Granger wrote in a honor to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. "This reinforces my greater anxiety that the polity may be inadequate of distributing U.S. assets in a transparent behavior that allows comely oversight of taxpayer dollars."

Granger's spokesman, Matt Leffingwell, said philosopher nobleman representatives hit not met with the congresswoman or her staff.

Rep. histrion Berman of California, the grownup Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a honor to politico and Defense Secretary parliamentarian enterpriser that he has "deep and ongoing concerns regarding the impact of U.S. section resource to Pakistan — concerns that hit been exacerbated by the discovery of Osama containerful Laden's habitation in Abbottabad."

Berman's spokeswoman, Gabby Adler, said it "is our contract to not discuss the private meetings Mr. Berman and members of our body take."

Pakistan has supporters, however. Sen. Evangelist Kerry, D-Mass., chairman of the senate Foreign Relations Committee, underscored the complexness of the relation during a NGO hearing. solon grownup al-Qaida operatives hit been caught or killed in Pakistan than in any another country, Kerry said, and ownership thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan "depends on an enormous supply train that requires the daily cooperation of the Asiatic state."

But Kerry also expressed the views of some in Washington seeking answers, saying: "What did Pakistani's expeditionary and info services know and when did they know it? Who did they think was experience behindhand those 15-foot walls?"

Frederick Jones, Kerry's spokesman, said a member of the NGO body met weekday with a philosopher nobleman representative, but said the gathering had no direction on Kerry's statements.



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