Netanyahu lectures Obama in Oval Office (AFP)

Saturday, May 21, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Asiatic leader Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Barack Obama against chasing what he titled a Middle East pact "based on illusions" as he lectured the US lead amid a increment rift in US-Israeli ties.

In a dramatic Oval Office appearance, after 90 minutes of talks Friday, Prime Minister Netanyahu emphatically vowed Zion would never convey to its 1967 borders and laid downbound a ordered of non-negotiable conditions for pact talks.

The exchange, which left hopes for Obama's pact intend more remote than ever, came a period after the US lead titled on Zion to accept a convey to regional lines in locate before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, with mutual realty swaps with Palestinians to inclose a bonded peace.

But Netanyahu seized on the idea that he was existence asked to convey solely to Israel's 1967 footprint, which he said was figure miles panoramic in places and half the size of the "Beltway" highway near Washington.

"While Zion is prepared to attain big compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines -- because these lines are indefensible," Netanyahu said, hunting Obama forthright in the eye.

Israelis argue that returning to the past abut configuration would yield Asiatic accumulation centers undefendable and stingy uprooting hundreds of thousands of settlers from homes in the West Bank and easterly Jerusalem.

Netanyahu did not still mention the ordinal part of Obama's concession -- videlicet that realty swaps between Zion and the Palestinians, would modify those 1967 lines to ensure digit secure, near states.

The White House insisted that it had never said that Zion should convey to a narrowing definition of its 1967 regional lines.

Asked whether Netanyahu was willfully misinterpreting Obama's remarks, White House spokesman Jay Carney said such an attending was "interesting."

Privately, White House officials appeared infuriated by Netanyahu's combative approach, which modify included a reproval for Obama on the past struggles of the person people.

In his prototypal activity to Obama's comments on the abut issue, in a major speech on the Middle East on Thursday, Arabian lead Mahmud Abbas said that Obama should advise Netanyahu to accept his position.

"Netanyahu's function is an authorised rejection of Mr Obama's initiative, of planetary legitimacy and of planetary law."

Obama admitted that he and Netanyahu had "differences" on module and formulations over the best approach to reviving pact talks stalled since terminal year, but saw a time of opportunity amid the "Arab spring."

"I conceive that it is doable for us to shape a care that allows Zion to bonded itself, not to be vulnerable, but also allows it to resolve what has obviously been a painful issue for both peoples for decades now."

Obama also noted that he shared Israel's concerns over Syria and Iran and hardback the Asiatic function on the bond up between the Arabian FTO shitting and the Islamist assemble Hamas.

Netanyahu said Abbas had to garner between Hamas, which advocates Israel's destruction and peace, or making pact with Israel.

The Asiatic leader then launched into a story warning of the struggles of the person people, which Obama watched from a nearby chair, his assistance over his mouth.

"A pact supported on illusions module break eventually on the rocks of Middle Eastern reality," Netanyahu said.

"We don't have a aggregation of edge for error... because, Mr President, story module not provide the person grouping added chance."

After the talks, a grownup Asiatic authorised accused Obama of upbringing "unreasonable expectations" that could ordered the pact impact back "dozens of years" by seeking a Middle East care supported on the 1967 borders.

"We had to place our measure down," he added.

Analysts said Obama became the prototypal lead to specifically land that the 1967 borders should be the basis for pact negotiations between Zion and the Palestinians, closed downbound over a settlements bed terminal year.

US officials had, however, privately been pushing the function for a while and the generalisation was near to the shape of a unsuccessful care modern by past lead Bill politico at Camp king in 2000.

On Sunday, Obama module come the powerful Zion lobby, the dweller Zion Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) before way off on a week-long activate to Europe.

Netanyahu module also speak to AIPAC and module attain a joint come to legislature incoming week, encouraged by politico body who support his position.



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