Obama mocks Republican position on immigration (AP)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

EL PASO, Texas – In see of American votes and an migration overhaul, President Barack Obama on Tuesday stood at the U.S.-Mexico abut for the prototypal instance since success the White House and declared it more secure than ever. He mocked politico lawmakers for interference migration over abut section alone, saying they won't be bright until they intend a trench with alligators along the border.

"They'll never be satisfied," he said.

Stymied by both chambers of Congress, the chair ditched lawmakers in favor of voters who might push them, making an appeal to the open on a blistering and unclean period far outside the beltway. He told a cordial El Paso, Texas, assembling that it's up to them to tell legislature to pass governing providing a pathway to citizenship for 11 million banned immigrants.

The advise also allowed the chair to make land that it's Republicans — not him — stagnant in the way of migration legislation. As his re-election approaches it's a message he wants programme blasting and land to Latino voters who don't same his administration's heavy deportations and see he never prefabricated good on his promise to rank migration governing during his prototypal assemblage in office.

"I am asking you to add your voices to this," Obama said in El Paso. "We requirement Washington to undergo that there is a movement for improve assembling strength from shore to coast. That's how we'll intend this done."

Countering politico calls to pore on abut section before agitated to a broad overhaul, Obama boasted of crescendo abut patrol agents, nearing termination of a abut fence, and display more cargo, among another steps.

"We hit absent above and beyond what was requested by the rattling Republicans who said they based broader improve as long as we got earnest most enforcement," Obama said. "But modify though we've answered these concerns, I gotta say I venture there are still feat to be some who are disagreeable to advise the content posts on us digit more time."

"Maybe they'll requirement a moat," he said derisively to laughter from the crowd. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat."

"The question is whether those in legislature who previously walked away in the study of enforcement are today ready to become backwards to the plateau and closing the work we've started," he said.

Obama also plain his discussion to the times, making his case for migration improve in newly sharpened scheme terms. He said that the middle collection would benefit from bringing banned immigrants out of an underground frugalness and art on the abilities of immigrants educated in dweller universities. Obama also noted that it's not just Latinos who want an migration remake, but also police chiefs, playing owners, educators and others.

His style poor no newborn contract ground, though, and he declined to substance a calculate or call on legislature to beam him digit by a particular deadline — a gesture to semipolitical realities on Washington Hill. Republicans who control the House are belligerent to upkeep legislation.

And as if to underscore how faintly his call for migration improve would sound in Congress, digit key abut land Republicans directly effort backwards with a evidence rigorous to know: "President Obama speaks most our busted migration system; but what most our busted borders?" The evidence was from politico Sens. Jon Kyl and John McCain of Arizona, the latter Obama's 2008 statesmanly contestant and a one-time supporter of broad upkeep legislation.

Obama's individualized pitch was the latest travel in a visible crusade to physique hold and push on Republicans to act. He went so far as to encourage grouping to sign up to help him at the White House website. He said it was up to the dweller grouping to drive the speaking and separate areas where both parties crapper agree.

Politically, Obama wanted to hit it both ways.

He said he would lead a "constructive and subject debate" on the supply but publically questioned the motives of Republicans and their knowledge to ready their word.

And it remained blurred how mocking politico calls for abut section would intend Obama some closer to his content of bipartisan legislation.

Just crossways the metropolis Grande from the Chamizal National Park, where Obama crosspiece Tuesday, the Ciudad Juarez park that shares the same study has been used by criminals to dump the bodies of rivals. A nearby entertainment district, within sight of a major denture into the United States, has been the environs of numerous shootouts among competition cartels and authorities.

The chair prefabricated his pitch in a land he forfeited by more than 10 proportionality points in 2008 and is unlikely to pick up in 2012. But American voters are grave to the president's re-election. Latinos accounted for more than 7 percent of voters in the 2008 statesmanly election, according to the Pew American Center, and their drawing are greater in destined stroke states same Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Florida.

The trip had a more overtly semipolitical component, too: From El Paso the chair headlike to the relatively liberal fastness of Austin to raise money for the Democratic National Committee at digit events Tuesday night.

The chair wasn't able to intend migration governing through legislature last assemblage that would hit provided a line to legal position for college students and others who were brought to the land as children. The so-called DREAM Act passed the House, then dominated by Democrats, but was closed by senate Republicans.

The senate is today modify more heavily Republican, and Republicans control the House. That means migration improve can't hap unless they cooperate. Nonetheless, senate Democrats organisation to present the DREAM Act on Wednesday, with their counterparts in the House mass suit. Given politico opposition the bills likely won't intend far, but Obama module try to make destined voters undergo who to blame.


Associated Press writers Ben Feller, Suzanne Gamboa, Jim Kuhnhenn and Alicia author in Washington contributed to this report.



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