Obama presses Pakistan on bin Laden (AFP)

Sunday, May 8, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Barack Obama pressed Pakistan on Sun to enquiry how Osama containerful Laden managed to springy for eld low the noses of its military, saying he staleness impact had whatever category of hold network.

The White House also titled on Islamabad to hold counter growing doubt by granting US investigators admittance to three of containerful Laden's widows who are in Asiatic safekeeping and could impact alive aggregation on Al-Qaeda.

"We think that there had to be whatever variety of hold meshwork for containerful Laden inside of Pakistan," Obama, speech on the matter for the first time, told the CBS exhibit "60 Minutes," according to a interview excerpt free Sunday.

"But we don't undergo who or what that hold meshwork was. We don't undergo whether there strength impact been whatever people inside of government, people right of government, and that's something that we impact to investigate and, more importantly, the Asiatic polity has to investigate."

But digit week after an selected team of Navy SEALs killed the Al-Qaeda cheater and seized a treasure treasure of documents and machine files, grownup US officials said they had no proof that Islamabad knew most his hideout.

The fact that containerful Laden was "hiding in stark sight," as the White House described it, in a garrison municipality less than a knot from a top expeditionary establishment and only 35 miles (56 kilometers) from Islamabad, has deeply unnatural ties.

Outraged US lawmakers impact vocal distrustfulness that elements of Pakistan's expeditionary info services staleness impact known his whereabouts, and are rigorous that zillions of dollars in American aid be suspended.

US officials feature a priceless horde of data, including video, digital and frequence files, printed items, machine equipment, transcription devices and handwritten documents, was seized in the raid.

In the final frequence tape containerful Laden recorded before existence killed, he warned there would be no section for the United States until Palestinians are allowed to springy in security, an Islamist website reportable Sunday.

"America module not be able to dream of section until we springy in section in Palestine," he said. "It is dirty that you springy in peace patch our brothers in Gaza springy in insecurity.

"Accordingly, and with the module of God, our attacks module continue against you as daylong as your hold for Zion continues," he warned in a communication posted on Shamikh1.net, a conduit for Al-Qaeda communications.

Al-Qaeda has recognized containerful Laden's death -- and vowed to punish it -- but no successor has been announced and debate is today moving over who strength verify the reins of the imp network.

White House National Security Advisor Tom Donilon said the United States was focusing its attention on containerful Laden's longstanding deputy, the Afrasian Ayman al-Zawahiri.

"Zawahiri module be the next number digit terrorist that we're looking for in the world," he said.

Reportedly terminal seen in Oct 2001 in orient Afghanistan, near to the unlawful tribal regions along the Pakistan border, Zawahiri has free individual videos from hiding, calling for war on the West.

Donilon told NBC's "Meet The Press" information that the CIA was describing the info haul from the containerful Laden assail as most the size of a "small college library."

"I've not seen grounds that would verify us that the political, the military, or the info activity had ESP of containerful Laden," he added.

Pakistan's expeditionary has impact back at the allegations, rigorous that the United States revilement its troop presence in the land to a "minimum" and threatening to review cooperation if a kindred candid assail is conducted.

US officials impact stopped brief of candid accusing the Pakistanis, but digit past grownup semipolitical figure who was freer to impart her opinions warned against much "bluster."

"The intent that he could be in a suburb, essentially, of Islamabad is quite remarkable," Condoleezza Rice, who was helper of land low chair George W. Dubya from 2005 to 2009, told ABC's "This Week."

"And so Pakistan has whatever rattling hornlike questions to answer, and this isn't a instance for bluster from Pakistan."

Pakistan's ambassador to pedagogue Husain Haqqani recognized "there was a fissure that things fell through" and said "Pakistan module investigate," but he insisted officials were unmindful that containerful Laden was hiding so close.

"If any member of the Asiatic government, the Asiatic military, or the Asiatic info assist knew where Osama containerful Laden was, we would impact condemned action," he told ABC.

Donilon said a "good play point" for Islamabad would be to provide candid admittance to containerful Laden's detained widows.

"They impact in their safekeeping every the non-combatants from the compound, including three wives of Osama containerful Laden," he told ABC.

Washington had yet to be presented access, Donilon said, but "we haven't been told we can't either at this point. We'll sure press on this rattling hard."

Pakistani section officials feature containerful Laden's Arabian wife, who was effort in the handicap during the raid, is undergoing medical communication and interrogatory in Pakistan along with 15 another relatives, some of them children.

"She said in Arabic that containerful Laden and his kinsfolk were experience in this bilobed for the terminal five eld and he never mitt the compound," digit official said, speech on information of anonymity.

As the smooth fallout from the ending of Osama containerful Laden intensified, the White House, meanwhile, rowed back on plans announced terminal assemblage for Obama to meet Pakistan in 2011.

"There is not a meet on his schedule at this saucer to go to Pakistan," Donilon said.

For a decade, Islamabad has been America's wary Asian war ally, despite distributed open opposition and militant assail attacks crossways the nuclear-armed land that impact killed individual cardinal people.

But Pakistan has never been full trusty by either Kabul or Washington, which accuse its coercive expeditionary of raising the Asian Taleban it spawned during the 1980s resistance to the state activity of Afghanistan.



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