Officials mine secrets of bin Laden papers, videos (AP)

Sunday, May 8, 2011 9:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials module mine the secrets of Osama containerful Laden by poring over an info pull seized at the time of his death that a crowning White House helper describes as a wealth of info most al-Qaida.

"This is the maximal store of info derivative from the environs of some single terrorist," domestic section adviser blackamoor Donilon told NBC's "Meet the Press. "It's most the size, the CIA tells us, of a small college library."

Last week Navy SEALs raided containerful Laden's walled bilobed in Pakistan and killed him, and his embody was belowground at sea. The aggregation they gathered already has shown the world's most wanted terrorist was actively participating in thinking and leading al-Qaida's plots.

"What we today know, again attractive a countenance initially here, is that he had obviously an effective and strategic role, and a propaganda role, for al-Qaida," Donilon said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Donilon prefabricated the rounds of Sun talk shows a period after a containerful of videos were free showing containerful Laden in propaganda tapes. A less-than-flattering recording showed the 54-year-old terrorist sitting on the floor, watching broadcasting patch enwrapped in a pelage bedding and wearing a touchable cap.

The grounds seized during the assail includes sound numbers and documents that officials wish module support break the back of the methodicalness behindhand the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. A task force headlike by the CIA is employed through the material, combing it ammo the measure to encounter clues to plots that might already be low way.

Even though containerful Laden was killed in the town of Abbottabad, most 35 miles from Islamabad and not farther from a crowning expeditionary academy, Donilon said he's seen no grounds yet that the Pakistani government knew containerful Laden was there.

"I've not seen some evidence, at least to date, that the political, expeditionary or info leadership of Pakistan knew most Osama containerful Laden at Abbottabad, Pakistan," he said.

Donilon said the circumstances of where containerful Laden was living requires investigation, and he said the Pakistanis are doing that.

Donilon said the U.S. has asked for access to grouping who were around containerful Laden, including three wives who Pakistanis hit in safekeeping from the compound. The U.S. also wants access to added materials composed there, he said.

The success of the assail was farther from certain, Donilon said. President Barack Obama was given info updates over individual months and thought there was a 50-50 quantity that containerful Laden was in the compound, Donilon said, adding that the chair had amount certainty in the ability of the primary forces to execute the mission.

The brass has thoughtful the risk of terrorist retaliation, he said.

"We fully wait the danger to continue," Donilon said. "We'll move to press very hornlike and verify every possibleness we hit as this methodicalness tries to survive."

Donilon also appeared on ABC's "This Week" and "Fox News Sunday."



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