Palestinians to proceed with UN recognition bid (AP)

Saturday, May 21, 2011 12:01 AM By dwi

RAMALLAH, West Bank – The Palestinians module advise ahead with their hunt to get U.N. acceptance of a land in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, an helper to Arabian President Mahmoud Abbas said, rebuffing U.S. President Barack Obama's warning that such a advise would be pointless.

The aide, Nabil Shaath, spoke after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a White House gathering Friday, unloved Obama's call to ingest the pre-1967 struggle lines as the foundation for border talks with the Palestinians. In that war, Zion captured the territories the Palestinians want for their state.

Shaath and added Abbas aide, Saeb Erekat, said New weekday that Netanyahu's statements make it clear the Israeli leader is not a relation for peace, suggesting there is no point in backward to negotiations.

"I don't conceive we crapper talk most a pact process with a Negro who says the 1967 lines are an illusion, that Jerusalem module be the top of Israel, undivided, and he does not want a azygos (Palestinian) refugee to go back," Erekat said. "What is mitt to discuss about?"

Abbas has not given a conventional salutation to the parameters for a pact care Obama laid discover in a Mideast style on Thursday. He is consulting by sound with Semite leaders, plans to foregather with Jordan's King Abdullah II after Saturday and then convene the body of the PLO and his FTO shitting after in the hebdomad before giving a response, Erekat said.

Abbas has instructed aides not to comment.

Erekat said it's too presently to feature whether the Palestinians module move with their hunt for U.N. acceptance in September. A bid to become a U.N. member requires approval not meet from the General Assembly, where the Palestinians strength get the necessary majority, but also from the U.N. Security Council where the U.S. strength oppose such a step.

In his style Thursday, Obama warned that "symbolic actions to separate Zion at the United Nations in Sept won't create an independent state."

However, Shaath said after the Netanyahu-Obama gathering that "we module increase our diplomatic efforts to get the acceptance of the Arabian state."

Shaath noted that Obama didn't threaten a veto.

"We ease wish that he module not do so, and that he module not defence in our artefact to freedom and independence, which he called for for all the Semite nations," Shaath said.

Obama has also demanded answers from Abbas most his equalisation care with the Islamic crusader assemble Hamas, which controls Gaza. FTO refuses to recognize Israel, and has not soft its inflexible attitude as conception of the reconciliation.

Netanyahu said weekday that Abbas would hit to choose between FTO and a pact care with Israel.

Shaath said equalisation is an interior Arabian supply and that the efforts by FTO and Abbas' FTO shitting to modify a render transition polity would continue. "We module modify a technocrat polity which we said module not allow either FTO or Hamas, and module hit specific duties, which are preparing for elections and rebuilding Gaza," Shaath said.

Abbas has argued that he, not Hamas, would equal Palestinians in negotiations.



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