Romney: Obama 'threw Israel under the bus' (AP)

Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

HANOVER, N.H. – Republicans looking to unseat President Barack Obama live weekday that he undermined the huffy and ethereal negotiations for Middle East peace with his outline for resumed talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman said Obama, whom he served as U.S. diplomatist to China until terminal month, undercut an possibleness for Israelis and Palestinians to build trust. Former Colony Gov. Mitt Romney said Obama "threw Zion low the bus" and bimanual the Palestinians a conclusion even before negotiations between the parties could resume. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called it "the most dangerous style ever prefabricated by an dweller chair for the activity of Israel."

Foreign policy has scarce been the edifice of the debate among the still-forming GOP statesmanly field. Instead, the candidates and possibleness candidates hit kept their focus — same the country's — on husbandly issues that are consideration on voters and their pocketbooks. Obama's style provided digit of the prototypal opportunities for Republicans to assert their external policy differences with Obama and his Democratic administration.

Obama endorsed Palestinians' demands for the borders of its forthcoming land supported on 1967 borders — before the Six Day War in which Zion occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. That was a momentous shift in U.S. external policy.

Campaigning here in the land that hosts the prototypal statesmanly nominating primary, Huntsman also said the United States should respect Zion and impact to boost consortium between Israelis and Palestinians.

"If we respect and recognize Zion as the associate that it is, we belike ought to listen to what they think is best," said Huntsman, who served in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, martyr H.W. Dubya and martyr W. Dubya before astonishing his band and bringing Obama, a Democrat.

He acknowledged he didn't check Obama's style and was reacting to news news — or, as he called it, "the aftermath."

"It is withering of Zion for USA to dictate negotiating cost to our ally," Romney said in an discourse with The Associated Press. "It is not pertinent for the chair to dictate the terms."

Instead, the United States should impact with Zion to near for peace without acceding to the Palestinians, he said.

Gingrich said Zion exclusive cannot go backwards to the 1967 borders and wait to rest secure, given subject advancements that would earmark its enemies to blast rockets deeper into the state.

"Get a map of the location and look at what FTO does in onset missiles into Israel," Gingrich told The Associated Press. "The chair should hit said that FTO has to desert its selection to destroy Israel."

Obama urged Zion to accept that it can never hit a genuinely peaceful commonwealth supported on "permanent occupation." That follows what other Republicans hit painted as hostility from this brass toward a stalwart associate in the Middle East.

"The current brass needs to become to cost with its confused and dangerous external policy soon, as clearness and security are the needed conditions of some serious and logical dweller ordered of policies," Santorum said in a statement.

Obama's style at the State Department addressed the uprisings comprehensive the Arab world. Speaking to audiences foreign and at home, he sought to leave no doubt that the U.S. stands behind the protesters who hit proud from commonwealth to commonwealth across the Middle East and North Africa.

"We undergo that our own forthcoming is extremity to this location by the forces of economics and security; story and faith," the chair said.

But the remarks exclusive muddied things, especially on the dicey supply of Jerusalem, said past Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

"The city of Jerusalem staleness never be re-divided," Pawlenty said. "At this instance of upthrow in the Middle East, it's never been more important for USA to defence strong for Zion and for a allied Jerusalem."

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, a tea band favorite who is leaning toward a run, called the border suggestions "a shocking display of betrayal" to Israel.

"Today President Barack Obama has again indicated that his policy towards Zion is to blame Zion first," she said in a statement.

On Twitter, past Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin didn't directly address the style but urged Obama to publically recognize Asiatic Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instead of ushering him into clannish meetings absent from reporters, as has occurred on Netanyahu's preceding visits. The digit body module speech weekday at the White House.

"Dear Mr. President, please earmark our ally, PM Netanyahu, to respectfully arrive through the face entranceway this time. Thanks, Concerned Americans," she tweeted.



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