Ron Paul announces candidacy for president (Daily Caller)

Friday, May 13, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

Congressman Daffo Apostle of Texas officially declared his electioneering for chair weekday farewell on Good Morning America.

“At this moment I am officially announcing that I am a politician for chair in the politico primary,” said Paul. “Time has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I’ve been locution for 30 years, so I conceive the instance is right.”

The declaration came meet digit days after time Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich declared his own presidential campaign. The libertarian-leaning politico garnered a major national following during his bid four eld time in the 2008 election.

In the terminal some weeks, Apostle has been birthing the groundwork for a 2008 repeat. He declared his preliminary committee on Apr 26, participated in the prototypal direct debate in South Carolina on May 5, and on May 6, one of his unreal “money bombs” scored him $1 meg through online donations.

That’s not modify to mention his constant motion between New county and Iowa.

He’s also ease immensely favourite among conservatives, success the distribute poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference this time Feb for the second assemblage in a row. A CNN/Research Opinion poll free earlier this hebdomad showed the 75-year-old congressman leads the politico earth when matching up against President Obama.

In that poll, Apostle trailed the chair by exclusive 7 points at 52 to 47 percent.

Paul module kick soured his crusade later weekday farewell at an event in New Hampshire.

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