Syria braces for more protests as pressure mounts (AFP)

Friday, May 20, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

DAMASCUS (AFP) – Syria braced for new demonstrations on weekday after weekly Islamic prayers as US President Barack Obama piled push on Damascus to edge a fell crackdown on pro-democracy protests.

The opposition titled for large demonstrations crossways the land after the mid-day prayers, auspicious a "surprise" for President Bashar al-Assad's program in the digit major power centres, Damascus and Aleppo.

"People are primed for this Friday," said the Asiatic Revolution 2011, a Facebook group spurring anti-regime protests.

"Damascus and city are preparing a assail for the program and the shabiha," it additional in meaning to pro-government "thugs," without elaborating.

"We module not be tolerant with the section forces or shabiha," it said. "We won't let them arrest us and we module be like a bother in their throat."

Crucially, both Damascus and city hit so farther been mostly spared the unrest roily Syria and it is widely believed that should large demonstrations begin there that would evaluation a serious setback for the despotic regime.

Friday's protests were titled amid mounting push by the planetary accord for the Asiatic polity to kibosh its crackdown on demonstrators who hit condemned to the streets, emboldened by revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.

In a tone style Thursday on the Middle East, Obama urged his Asiatic counterpart Assad, who is facing the large contest to his 11-year rule, to advance a semipolitical transformation or "get out".

"President Assad now has a choice," Obama said in his speech. "He crapper advance that transformation or intend discover of the way.

"The Asiatic polity staleness kibosh shooting demonstrators and earmark peaceful protests."

Damascus, however, defiantly unloved the warning, countering that Obama's attractiveness was not aimed at decrease tensions in Syria but rather at sowing discord.

"Obama is inciting hostility when he says that Assad and his program module grappling challenges from the exclusive and module be isolated on the right if he fails to adopt egalitarian reforms," the official news authority SANA said.

The polity production Al-Thawra also criticised the US chair saying: "He (Obama) didn't block his arrogance in telling a sovereign land what to do ... and threatening to separate this land if it fails to do as told."

More than 850 people hit been killed and thousands inactive since the protests began in mid-March, according to manlike rights groups and the United Nations.

Assad's polity has blamed the hostility on "armed terrorist gangs" backed by Islamists and external agitators.

A confident Assad early this hebdomad said he believes the unrest was reaching to an modify and, in an extraordinary step, recognized evilness by the country's section services.

The protests hit display the large contest to nearly fivesome decades of conception by his Baath party, which is dominated by members of the eld Alawite community, an offshoot of Muslim Islam.

The eld of Syria's 23-million accumulation are Sunni Muslims.

Western powers initially were indecisive to criticise Assad's program cod to Syria's strategic importance in the region and fears of possible subject struggle if the program were to collapse.



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