Tea party group to endorse Neb. Senate candidate (AP)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

OMAHA, Neb. – A prominent national repast band assemble module wade into a 2012 crusade for the first time weekday by denotive its garner for U.S. senate in Nebraska, but digit of threesome party candidates seeking the nod questions whether such endorsements actually counteract the fledgling movement's rejection of band politics.

The publicity from the Tea Party Express, which had some high-profile wins and losses in the 2010 congressional races, comes more than a assemblage before Nebraska direct voters go to the polls.

Sal Russo, honcho strategist of the organization, said the assemble previously declared plans to impact to remove U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson, citing the Democrat's persona in advancing the White House-backed federal health care overhaul.

Its publicity of digit of Nelson's challengers at a news word in pedagogue module be the group's first of the 2012 election cycle, but modify digit of the Republicans up for the championship spoken integrated feelings about it.

The repast band "started from a grass-roots movement, and now they're disagreeable to make it more of a generalized (political action committee) — a lobbyist group, basically. I'm not so trusty I same that myself, actually," said Pat Flynn, a Schuyler assets adviser.

Attorney General Jon Bruning and Treasurer Don Stenberg also are running as Republicans against Nelson, but they declined to comment on the doable endorsement. Another person, past Air Force officer writer playwright of Omaha, has filed as an autarkical but had no crusade contributions in the first quarter.

Nelson, a past governor thoughtful digit of the more conservative Democrats in the Senate, has not declared whether he module essay a third term, but he has a crusade trainer and additional more than $1 meg to his crusade coffers from Jan finished March. Despite his daylong term in Nebraska politics, polls hit shown admiral chase his prospective opponents, partly reflecting ontogeny politico capableness in the state.

Tea band groups were device in effort Rand Apostle the nomination against an establishment party politician in Kentucky en line to Paul's senate conclusion in November. However, the shitting also suffered a field expiration when repast party-backed Sharron Angle was foiled against senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, erst thoughtful vulnerable.

Russo said his group's Nebraska publicity would be supported off the candidates' records on set and budget issues. The methodicalness also likes to garner candidates with brawny hold who hit a beatific effort at winning, he said.

"We look for grouping who hit a beatific achievement of resisting the get along, go along," Russo said.

The repast band group's publicity could play a bounteous persona in the race, said University of Nebraska-Lincoln semipolitical science academic Mike Wagner.

"It could stingy a aggregation in terms of how much resources the candidates hit to pay in the primaries, whether the politico Party module come unitedly and unify their hold behindhand a portion politician or whether they're feat to vex apiece another up for a while," designer said. "If they do that, that's beatific for Nelson."

A Tea Party Express publicity of a more ideologically extremity politician would give that politician a leg up in the party direct but probable support admiral in the generalized election, designer said. However, an publicity of Bruning, thoughtful by many as the presumptive party favorite, could feature politico direct voters and make for an easier direct race, strengthening the attorney generalized for a generalized election oppose against Nelson, he said.



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