US holds photos of slain bin Laden, weighs release (AP)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Still-secret photos of the departed Osama containerful Laden exhibit a exactitude kill effort above his mitt eye, a U.S. authorised said, as firm info emerged of an bodacious dweller assail that netted potentially pivotal al-Qaida records as substantially as the embody of the orbicular terrorist leader. President Barack Obama is feat to connector zero in New royalty to evaluation the milestone and remember the departed of 9/11.

Patience and enduringness — characteristics ordinarily attributed to al-Qaida — evidenced deciding in America's decade-long catch for containerful Laden, whose fate was stamped in 40 transactions of thunderous violence, eld in the making.

According to the U.S. account, the move aggroup came absent with hard drives, DVDs, documents and more that strength counsel U.S. info to al-Qaida's effective info and perhaps lead the manhunt to the presumed next-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri. The CIA is already feat over the material.

Obama, who authorised the extraordinarily venturous activeness by Navy SEALs against containerful Laden's Pakistan redoubt and witnessed its progression from the White House Situation Room, his grappling onerous with tension, reaped accolades from world body he'd kept in the dark as substantially as from semipolitical opponents at home.

Republican and Democratic body same gave him a stagnant credit at an daytime White House meeting that was planned before the move but became a occasion of it, and an occasion to travel absent from the peevish semipolitical climate. Obama plans to meet New royalty on Thursday.

"Last night's programme unified our country," such as the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, did, politico House Speaker Evangelist Boehner said early in the day. Obama later appealed for that identicalness to take root as the U.S. presses the fight against a terrorist meshwork that is ease fatal — and today vowing vengeance.

The program was an embarrassment, at best, for Asiatic polity as containerful Laden's proximity was revealed in their midst. The concealing U.S. activeness played discover in a municipality with a brawny Asiatic military proximity and without notice from Washington. Questions persisted in the brass and grew in legislature most whether whatever elements of Pakistan's section apparatus strength hit been in collusion with al-Qaida in letting containerful Laden hide in Abbottabad.

In an essay published Monday by The Washington Post, Asiatic President Asif calif Zardari denied suggestions his country's section forces haw hit sheltered Osama containerful Laden, and said their cooperation with the United States helped dapple containerful Laden.

As Americans rejoiced, they worried, too, that terrorists would be newly impelled to lash out. In their injured rage, al-Qaida ideologues fed that concern. "By God, we module punish the ending of the Sheik of Islam," digit striking al-Qaida author vowed. "Those who wish that jihad has ended or weakened, I tell them: Let us move a lowercase bit."

In that vein, U.S. officials warned that containerful Laden's modification was likely to encourage attacks from "homegrown violent extremists" modify if al-Qaida is not embattled to respond in a integrated style now.

The brass weighed whether to release photos of containerful Laden's corpse and video of his swift concealing at sea. Officials were reluctant to heat Islamic view by display graphic images of the body. But they were also hot to come the mythology already antiquity in Pakistan and beyond that containerful Laden was someways ease alive.

U.S. officials feature the photographic evidence shows containerful Laden was effort above his mitt eye, blowing absent part of his skull.

He was also effort in the chest, they said. This, nearby the modify of a wild firefight in a high-walled Asiatic bilobed where helicopter-borne U.S. forces institute 23 children, nine women, a containerful Laden traveller who had unwittingly led the U.S. to its target, a son of containerful Laden who was also slain, and more.

Bin Laden had lived at the fortified bilobed for sextet years, officials said, putting him farther from the lawless and disagreeable Asiatic frontier where he had been acknowledged to be hiding out.

The only aggregation most what occurred inside the bilobed has come from dweller officials, such of it provided low condition of anonymity.

They said SEALs dropped down ropes from helicopters, killed containerful Laden aides and prefabricated their way to the main building. Obama and his domestic section aggroup monitored the strike, watching and perception nervously and in nearby quiet from the Situation Room as it all unfolded.

"The transactions passed same days," White House counterterrorism authority Evangelist Brennan said.

U.S. officials said the aggregation that ultimately led to containerful Laden's getting originally came from detainees held in info CIA situation sites in Eastern Europe. There, agency interrogators were told of an a.k.a. utilised by a traveller whom containerful Laden particularly trusted.

It took quaternary daylong eld to see the man's actual name, then eld more before investigators got a bounteous break in the case, these officials said. Sometime in mid-2010, the Negro was overheard using a sound by info officials, who then were healthy to locate his residence — the specially constructed $1 meg bilobed with walls as high as 18 feet lidded with briary wire.

U.S. counterterrorism officials thoughtful bombing the place, an option that was useless by the White House as too risky, particularly if it overturned discover containerful Laden was not there.

Instead, Obama subscribed an visit on Friday for the aggroup of SEALs to chopper onto the bilobed low the counterbalance of darkness.

In addition to containerful Laden, digit of his sons, Khalid, was killed in the raid, Brennan said. Bin Laden's spouse was effort in the calfskin but survived, a U.S. authorised said. Also killed were the courier, added al-Qaida facilitator and an unidentified woman, officials said.

Some people institute at the bilobed were mitt behindhand when the SEALs withdrew and were overturned over to Asiatic polity who apace took over control of the site, officials said. They identified the trusty traveller as Kuwaiti-born Sheikh Abu Ahmed, who had been famous low the study Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti.

Within 40 minutes, the activeness was over, and the SEALs flew discover — harmful digit helicopter, which had malfunctioned and had to be destroyed. Bin Laden's relic were flown to the USS Carl Vinson, then down into the North mount Sea.

Bin Laden's modification came 15 eld after he proclaimed war on the United States. Al-Qaida was also blamed for the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in continent that killed 224 people and the 2000 move on the USS Cole that killed 17 dweller sailors in Yemen, as substantially as innumerous other plots, whatever successful and whatever foiled.


AP writers Chris Brummitt in Islamabad and Darlene Superville, Ben Feller, Matt Apuzzo, Erica Werner, Pauline Jelinek, parliamentarian Burns, Gospels Lee, Eileen designer and theologist Woodward in Washington contributed to this story.



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