U.S. wants cooperative ties with Pakistan: White House (Reuters)

Monday, May 9, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States wants Pakistan to present access to Osama containerful Laden's threesome wives to acquire more aggregation about the al FTO leader's network, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday.

Strains hit developed between the digit governments over the U.S. killing of containerful Laden last week with Pakistan charging the United States violated its rule when a U.S. accomplish aggroup effort containerful Laden to modification at his Asiatic home.

"We believe it is very important to reassert a cooperative relationship with Pakistan, precisely because it's in our national section interests to do so," Carney told a programme briefing.

Carney said it was hoped that the digit countries would be healthy to impact through their differences, but he said the United States had null to apologize for in the raid on containerful Laden's compound.

He said the United States is "very interested" in gaining access to containerful Laden's wives.

(Reporting by Steve Holland; editing by Vicki Allen)



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