Anti-abortion plans pose dilemma for Republicans (AP)

Saturday, March 5, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Restrict failure or cut spending?

The Republicans' "Pledge for America" says the new eld module do both. But negotiations over the federal budget threaten to obligate the GOP, including its 87 House freshmen, to choose between them.

It's a warning in congressional actuality that has Republicans struggling with how to balloting — and what to do — when a separated polity pits dedication against pledge.

"That's a difficulty - and I mean, a real problem," said Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the conservative politico Study Committee's budget and outlay task force.

How would he balloting on a budget that cuts outlay but lacks the promised failure restrictions? river winces.

"We haven't seen the finished product," he said.

The House terminal period passed its edition of the budget that would fund the polity finished September. The manoeuvre would cut outlay by $61 1000000000 and prohibit federal dollars from going to Planned Parenthood as daylong as the methodicalness performs abortions. It also reinstates restrictions, raised by President Barack Obama, on polity money for any methodicalness that funds abortions in external countries.

The failure restrictions hit almost no quantity of existence included in the outlay organisation that the Democrat-dominated senate finally passes. That could be weeks from today despite a March 18 deadline that carries with it the danger of a partial polity shutdown.

A compromise that could transfer both the House and senate module include at small a good portion of the cuts that now-GOP freshmen promised during the crusade and feature their constituents loudly demand. Slashing federal spending, they insist, is their No. 1 priority.

Restricting federal money for failure providers comes a near ordinal or third, as much a conception of the GOP's crusade "Pledge" as outlay cuts and repealing Obama's upbeat tending overhaul.

The new politico eld has finished plentitude of fighting for what they promised, but getting their wish list finished the whole Congress is a tougher task. The upbeat tending accumulation repeal unsuccessful in the Senate. The House's budget conventional a complete scoffing from senate Democratic leaders and Obama said he would veto it.

House Republicans feature meet having their speaking terminal period went a daylong artefact toward substantial their crusade promises.

In an emotional long conference on the underway year's budget, the House voted 240-185 to block federal dollars from going to Planned Parenthood.

There was more.

The outlay bill, before any amendments, reinstated a edict on federal money for any methodicalness that uses its own funds for abortions performed in external countries. Obama raised the restrictions in 2009.

Under underway law, federal dollars haw not be utilised for abortions eliminate in the cases of rape, incest or when the chronicle of the mother is in danger.

Pro-choice lawmakers and groups said the politico efforts on failure amount to an attack on women and family-planning services. Democrats attain the housing that patch Planned Parenthood performs abortions, the group uses federal money on upbeat services for women who can't afford it any added way.

Planned Parenthood has undertaken a formidable lobbying crusade to squawk out the restrictions from the senate bill.

Watching the negotiations from the House, whatever ethnic conservatives were uneasy modify conversation most how they would balloting should a newly negotiated budget transfer the senate and come to the House without the anti-abortion provisions.

If they balloting against the new version, they also would feature no to outlay cuts they demanded.

If they balloting for it, they would ditch, for now, the party's anti-abortion promises.

Rep. Chris Smith, perhaps the House's most fervidly anti-abortion member, said he'd balloting against any budget that doesn't "preserve life." Blocking money for Planned Parenthood also cuts spending, said Smith, R-N.J.

"There's no conceive to be divided. These are match objectives," adventurer said, predicting some politico freshmen opposed to failure module balloting with him.

Freshman Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., isn't one of them. He opposes abortion. But he said he'd balloting for a budget that lacks new restrictions on the machine because underway accumulation already bans federal dollars from existence utilised for most abortions. Banning taxpayer dollars from going to Planned Parenthood, he said, should be a effort for added day if it comes to a choice.

"If we're staying with that underway policy, I conceive we'd ease be safe," Schweikert said. "Because for me, it's substantially most the business position" he took in terminal year's elections when it came to reining in the federal deficit.



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