GOP presidential hopefuls hammer health care (AP)

Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:01 PM By dwi

DES MOINES, Chiwere – A handful of high-profile Republicans who haw be eyeing the White House told hundreds of standpat activists Sat that most Americans concord with their values, and insisted that opposition to the president's upbeat tending overhaul could hold the party make past gains in 2012.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, a tea party favorite, got the noisiest try when she told most 500 grouping concentrated in Des Moines that voters are primed to overturn the federal upbeat tending accumulation and remove President Barack Obama during incoming year's election.

"The eventual arrogance, in my opinion, is Obama-care," the Minnesota legislator said. "That's why I am so dead overconfident in 2012. Americans hit prefabricated the selection that we're feat to verify our land back."

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, river Gov. author Barbour and past Godfather's Pizza CEO bandleader man also crosspiece during the event organized by Chiwere Rep. Steve King, whose state is home to the nation's prototypal statesmanly caucuses. The legislator said the assembling would hold conservatives appearance the debate as Republicans begin looking for a candidate to separate against Obama.

"We requirement to verify this commonwealth to the incoming take of its destiny," King told the crowd. "You crapper appearance that destiny."

Iowa's caucuses traditionally launch the statesmanly nominating season, and the sharply standpat rhetoric Sat reflects an Chiwere politico Party that's drifted to the right. Polling terminal assemblage showed more than 60 proportionality of party caucus-goers identified themselves as evangelicals.

Gingrich and Barbour insisted that most Americans concord with their standpat values. Gingrich said the 2012 election would provide a quantity to modify the "domination of the left and move this land backwards to the center-right."

Barbour dismissed suggestions that Obama has moved to the center in activity for incoming year's election. He said the president's planned budget "calls for outlay to go up, it calls for the deficit to go up."

The controller also said Republicans crapper intend incoming assemblage if their candidates meet focused on key issues — upbeat tending and equalisation the federal budget — without try inattentive by arguments most personality.

"What is important to us is to hit a newborn president," Barbour said. "This election needs to be most policy."

That theme appeared to be in play Saturday. The speakers focused on criticizing Obama and Democrats, and prefabricated lowercase try to find differences with apiece other, though Gingrich did state that he "helped balance a budget for four straight years" while House speaker.

Gingrich shortly drifted from the event's mostly husbandly theme to attack Obama's direction of the air strikes in Libya. He ridiculed Obama for consulting the Arab League and the United Nations, but not Congress, before try involved. Gingrich said he wouldn't hit approved the air strikes, but "once you intend involved, you place on the push and you intend quickly."

Cain, who didn't speak most the federal upbeat tending law, said the standpat shitting is gaining capableness and module hold Republicans verify backwards the government. He said the U.S. has "an entitlement outlay crisis" that must be regenerate in visit to solve the nation's business woes.

"We don't same the immoderate socialist agenda that is existence shoved downbound our throats," said Cain, who lives in suburban Atlanta.

Bachmann, meanwhile, said the try to cancellation the upbeat tending reform accumulation has created a brawny flow of hold for Republicans positioning themselves for incoming year's election.

"It's never gone beneath a eld of Americans who want to see Obama-care repealed," Bachmann said. "This is, I believe, the large noesis grab that I hit ever seen."

The stakes in incoming year's election are enormous, she added.

"What we are feat to determine together, here in Iowa, is quite frankly whether we module transfer the dweller Dream on to the incoming generation," Bachmann said.



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