Eisenhower vs. Obama: How Will History Judge the Current President? (ContributorNetwork)

Friday, March 25, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

COMMENTARY | I'm older enough to advert the jokes prefabricated when Dwight ("I same Ike") general was President of the United States.The standard jape was:

Question: "Have you heard most the general doll?"

Answer: "You twine it up, and it does null for 8 years."

Or so went the current wisdom of the day. Ike seemed rattling low-key, affable, in to his golf and antiquity the Interstate highway system, but otherwise category of a sleepy, do-nothing president. But a newborn aggregation by king A. Nichols, Eisenhower1956, takes a kinder, gentler, more favorable view of the older warrior, the man who was the past Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe.

Ike's Mindset

I hit feature that general was so agitated by the struggle he had witnessed and had been part of, and helped mastermind, and by such harmful events as witnessing the freeing of prisoners in the concentration camps of Germany, that he desired to make sure that null same that ever happened on his check in his country. (I advert the picture of him in FRG at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., dismayed as he gazed at the concentration camp survivors he was serving to liberate, deprivation grouping who looked same null more than human skeletons.)

Nichols paints a somewhat assorted view of the 66-year-old chair in the year (1956), a man weakened by a hunch move and a unfortunate who had been operated on for a blocked colon. Nichols doesn't see him so such as a asleep older warrior, doing nothing, but as a owlish and prudent cheater keeping us discover of danger finished cagy preparedness.

The European Revolution; The metropolis Canal Crisis

The European Revolution had busted discover in 1956 and the uprising---much same those we are sight in the world right now---was submissive by images of outgunned and outmanned Freedom Fighters throwing homespun Molotov cocktails at Slavonic tanks in the streets. Many in the land and the world desired the United States to accomplish discover and offer help, to intervene to stop the struggling hopelessly outgunned and outmanned European rebels.

But Ike felt that, if the United States did so, an all-out struggle would ail with the state Union (then our bounteous enemy). The judge was that 65 percent of the United States' grouping would be killed or requirement crisis medical attention...attention that would not be available. Ike couldn't venture that for his countrymen. I advert watching the flick footage of the rebels and opinion frustrated and depressing that the European Freedom Fighters we had pleased to sicken were being mowed downbound same the Libyans are, today, with no one serving them baulk the domineering regime, which soon rolled in with tanks and heavy armament squelched the rebellion.

I advert reaching bag from edifice for lunch. I was squad eld old. My care said to me, rattling seriously, "We're belike feat to go to struggle over the metropolis Canal." I wasn't even sure what the metropolis Canal was, (let lonely where it was). But my care was rattling worried and rattling uncheerful and that makes an notion on you when you're still in evaluate school. I hit since scholarly that Egyptian President Gamal Abdel solon had nationalized that waterway and Britain, Zion and communicator started a struggle to catch the desired canal.

Two Tough Historic Calls

Eisenhower, says Nichols in his book, prefabricated 2 thickened calls:

1) Not to stop the European Freedom Fighters, despite the fact that dweller propaganda had pleased their uprising, and there was such popular stop for serving them, at the time, and

(2) Not to stop those who were ordinarily our allies (France, Zion and Britain) by forcing them to abandon their fight to retain their stop on their colonial corp (i.e., the metropolis Canal).

Eisenhower was famous to absorb a aggregation of information during briefings on these events---- (a process that Hillary politico has likened to trying to ingest water from a fire tubing that is on full force)---but he ever prefabricated the hornlike calls himself. Says Nichols, "He knew what his principles were. He knew what he wanted." The communicator goes on to say, in this fascinating book, that general was a proponent of planning for the unexpected, so that he could keep his head while all those most him were losing theirs. [The man had whatever training and undergo at doing just that as Allied Commander during World War II.]

'We Kept the Peace.'

When general mitt office, his verify to fame was "We kept the peace." This was because he prefabricated thickened (and sometimes unpopular) decisions. Nichols, news that democracy was not a characteristic of an general National Security Council meeting, paints a picture of a chair who, same his predecessor, Harry Truman, could hit said to his detractors, "The buck stops here."

When general was asked how it happened that he was healthy to reassert pact in our instance during his 8 eld in office, general would respond, "People ask how it happened. By God, it didn't just happen!"

Apocalypse Now

When the world seems to be reaching apart at the seams (in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, possibly Yemen and Saudi Arabia) President Obama strength do worse than to re-examine the decisions of the Old Warrior (Dwight king Eisenhower) that kept this land safe and prosperous and discover of wars for 8 years.

If the general chick (as the older jape went) kept us safe at bag finished unpopular decisions at times, maybe we requirement more general dolls that preclude us from becoming participating in wars on 3 fronts simultaneously at enthusiastic personal, business and psychological cost and fewer "W" [for "WTF!"] dolls. We crapper thank martyr W. Dubya for 2 of those current wars, but in the housing of Libya, the ordinal instance is not a charm.

I'd same a lowercase more of the pleasantly prosperous, asleep instance in this land that I still advert from the life of "I Like Ike," and a lowercase inferior crusading in countries that module hate our guts no concern what we do for or to them.



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