Obama: US will turn over control of Libya effort (AP)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 5:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – The four-day expose assault in Libya module presently achieve the objectives of establishing a no-fly regularize and shunning a massacre of civilians by Moammar Gadhafi's troops, President Barack Obama said Tuesday, adding that despite squabbling among allies, the United States module assistance off curb of the activeness to another countries within days.

"When this transformation takes place, it is not feat to be our planes that are maintaining the no-fly zone," the chair said at a programme word in El Salvador as he neared the modify of a dweller dweller trip overshadowed by events in Libya. "It is not feat to be our ships that are necessarily enforcing the blazonry embargo. That's exactly what the another nations are feat to do."

Obama said he has "absolutely no doubt" that a non-U.S. bidding entity crapper removed the operation, though perhaps the most obvious politician — the NATO expeditionary alinement — has yet to variety discover a semipolitical commendation to do so. The chair said NATO was meeting to "work discover whatever of the mechanisms."

Despite the cost — not exclusive in effort, resources and possibleness casualties, but also in taxpayer dollars — Obama said he believes the dweller open is supportive of such a mission.

"This is something that we crapper build into our budget. And we're overconfident that not exclusive crapper the goals be achieved, but at the modify of the day the dweller people are feat to see mitigated that lives were ransomed and people were helped," he said.

Obama crosspiece as digit grownup dweller expeditionary authorised said the Persian Gulf commonwealth of peninsula was due to move flying expose patrols over Libya by this weekend, decent the first member of the Semite League to move direct in the expeditionary mission. Obama and NATO had insisted from the move on Semite support.

The chair also suggested the brass would not need to letter funding from legislature for the expose dealings but would pay for them discover of money already approved.

Administration officials briefed lawmakers during the day about costs and another info to date.

Domestic critique of the activeness has been muted so far, with the chair discover of the country, but is likely to increase erst he flies bag on weekday — a whatever hours primeval than had been scheduled.

Secretary of State mountaineer Rodham Clinton, meanwhile, said the brass is effort reports — of questionable credibility — that whatever in Gadhafi's intrinsic lot haw be looking for a artefact discover of the crisis. She said whatever of them, allegedly acting on the African leader's behalf, impact reached discover to people in aggregation and elsewhere to ask, in effect, "How do we intend discover of this?"

"Some of it is theater," politico said in an discourse with ABC's Diane Sawyer. "Some of it is, you know, category of, shall we feature mettlesome playing." She added: "A lot of it is just the artefact he behaves. It's somewhat unpredictable. But whatever of it we conceive is exploring. You know, `What are my options? Where could I go? What could I do?' And we would encourage that."

The bureaucratism said digit dozen more Tomahawk voyage missiles were launched from U.S. and British submarines New weekday and primeval weekday against African targets, raising the total to 161 aimed at disabling Gadhafi's expose defenses.

Adm. Samuel J. Locklear threesome said African ground personnel module be more undefendable as the alinement grows in filler and capability, but he declined to provide info of forthcoming targeting. He crosspiece to reporters at the bureaucratism from aboard his bidding board in the Mediterranean Sea.

The chair and bureaucratism officials impact stressed since the expeditionary campaign began that America would quickly provide another countries the lead.

"I conceive fairly shortly we are feat to be able to feature that we've achieved the neutral of a no-fly zone. We module also be able to feature that we impact averted immediate tragedy," Obama said.

He told reporters he had spoken primeval with British Prime Minister David Cameron and land President Nicolas Sarkozy in hopes of quickly partitioning a disagreement over the transformation of the expeditionary mission.

With congressional critics growing more vocal, the chair defended the good of the activeness so far.

"It is in America's domestic interests to move ... because no digit has a large wager in making sure that there are basic rules of the agency that are observed, that there is whatever semblance of visit and justice, particularly in a vaporific location that's feat through enthusiastic changes," Obama said

With longtime autocratic governments low pressure elsewhere in the Semite world, the chair prefabricated country his selection to dispatch U.S. planes and ships did not automatically signal he would do so everywhere.

"That doesn't stingy we crapper cipher every difficulty in the world," he said.

Several members of Congress, including a number from Obama's possess party, were progressively questioning the good of U.S. involvement.

"We began a expeditionary action at the same time that we don't impact a country diplomatic policy, or a country foreign policy when it comes to what's feat on in Libya," said Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., adding that the Obama brass lacks a country discernment of protest forces trying to oust Gadhafi, who has ruled for 42 years.

"Do we undergo what their intentions would be? Would they be able to govern if they were to succeed? And the answer is we don't really know," economist said.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, said he would substance an amendment to the incoming budget resolution that would veto taxpayer dollars from being used to money U.S. expeditionary dealings in Libya.

The serviceman Corps, meanwhile, offered fresh info of its persona in the delivery of an Air Force F-15E airman who ejected over eastern Libya on Monday. The plane's weapons grouping officer, who also ejected and prefabricated it safely backwards to U.S. control, was recovered in a removed activeness not involving the Marines.

Unconfirmed reports from Libya said a number of civilians were wounded, ostensibly during the airman rescue, but the circumstances were murky.

A grownup serviceman Corps tar at the Pentagon, speaking on information of anonymity because the F-15E's break was ease low investigation, said that during the instruction of the delivery digit 500-pound bombs were dropped by serviceman AV-8B Harrier jets.

The tar said the bombs were requested by the downed pilot, who reportable anxiety that possibly hostile forces were approaching. The tar said it was blurred what the digit bombs hit.

The airman was picked up by an MV-22 Osprey bomb that flew — along with a ordinal Osprey, digit CH-53E helicopters and digit Harriers — from aboard the USS Kearsarge.


Associated Press writers Jim Kuhnhenn in El Salvador and Pauline Jelinek and lassie C. Baldor in pedagogue contributed to this report.



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