The Bachmann file (Exclusive to Yahoo! News)

Thursday, March 24, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

Tea band grapheme Michele Bachmann is thinking to start an preliminary crusade for president in June or mayhap sooner, Rachel Rose Hartman reportable in The Ticket March 24, citing a CNN story.

A source near to the Minnesota legislator told CNN that Bachmann, a politico and originator of the Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill, has been informing others that her filing and declaration will verify locate in "early summer." But if a debate advocator indicates an preliminary NGO is needed for participation, Bachmann haw file earlier.

CNN reports that Bachmann has hired Chiwere land Sen. county Sorenson to be her semipolitical director in Iowa, which traditionally holds the prototypal nominating oppose of the crusade season.

The legislator expects to hit a flooded Chiwere team in locate by the weekend, and Chief of Staff Andy painter said New Hampshire and South Carolina teams are forming within the week

Here is a resource page on Bachmann:

Coverage of probable candidacy:

  • Michele Bachmann to form presidential preliminary crusade by June
  • Adviser: Bachmann probable to enter WH vie by June


  • 2012 watch: Don't underestimate Michele Bachmann
  • The Fast Fix- Senator Bachmann?


  • Bachmann has pure mass in party field

On the trail:

  • Michele Bachmann makes an embarrassing flub in NH
  • Will Michele Bachmann's latest blunder hurt her?
  • Bachmann's movement schedule

Official legislature Web site:

  • Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: Proudly bringing the 6th District of Minnesota

Official legislature crusade Web site:

  • Michele Bachmann for Congress

Official bio:

  • "Principled reformer"

Official function on issues:

  • Taxes and economy, upbeat care, energy, military



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