Nevada GOP gambles on making caucuses count (AP)

Friday, March 25, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

LAS VEGAS – Nevada Republicans are recreation that they crapper invoke this swing land best famous for showgirls and cowboys into a major contestant in production the party's statesmanly nominee.

After Chiwere and New county intend their turns, Nevada hopes to draw every the band hopefuls to its caucuses — and do meliorate than the flop of 2008 when band infighting and inexperience with the caucuses overturned the oppose into an afterthought.

Mitt Romney won three eld ago, thanks to the state's momentous sort of Mormon voters and the epilepsy of some of his rivals. Most band candidates skipped Nevada to pore instead on South Carolina.

Nevada Republicans are observed to make the Feb. 18, 2012, caucuses an circumstance not to be missed, and they're already seeing their deal of likely candidates almost a flooded assemblage before the voting.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour courted the state's top Republicans and talked to donors this week. Romney module come the politico person Coalition Winter Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas on Apr 2. Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty and wife Palin have cosmopolitan to the land for fundraising dinners and private meetings.

"Our land is beginning to garner up some traction," said past Nevada Gov. Robert List, a politico National Committee representative. "It's been a lowercase slow to physique because Nevada is relatively new to this persona as an primeval state. We are learning the ropes as we go nervy here."

Nevada Republicans plan to patron a program of mock caucuses, condition volunteers about how to stop a caucus and inform voters the intricacies of participating in the process. Party body also are hunt advice from experts in Iowa, which for eld has held the leadoff caucuses. And the band is stepping up fundraising to ensure that it has enough money to lease venues for the voting sessions.

Caucuses typically are all-day meetings in which activists foregather to talk, equid change and finally opt a listing of delegates for a candidate. Nevada caucus-goers foregather in libraries, gyms and sometimes casinos and hotels on the strip.

"We module wager a meliorate stock in place in 2012 in the politico Party to drive more people to the caucus," said Rep. Joe Heck, who represents gray Nevada.

There's plentitude of room for improvement. In 2008, Republicans drew only 44,000 voters at 113 precincts at a cost of about $400,000. By comparison, Democrats — with the help of senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher — unreal a highly designed oppose in which Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton competed fiercely. More than 116,000 Nevada Democrats showed up at 520 precinct locations at a cost of $2 million.

Adding a degree of uncertainty is the direct calendar. Florida, Newmarket and Minnesota are threatening to advise up their contests, which would leave Nevada discover in the cold. For now, the state's Republicans are proceeding as if they module intend to ready the plum No. 3 blot on the semipolitical calendar.

It could be a high-stakes persona for Nevada, the first Western land in the direct process. Depending on the outcome in Chiwere and New Hampshire, Nevada could give momentum to a politician or boost complicate the race.

Still, the band has a few hurdling to actuation soured a canopy event.

"They don't undergo what they are doing because they have never done it before," said Heidi Smith, also an RNC representative.

And the repast party's beginning has exacerbated fissures in the land GOP. The divisions were on flooded pass terminal assemblage when the band appointed Sharron Angle over the organisation politician to contest the endangered Reid. He won and is back in the Senate. Angle is streaming for a House seat, gift the repast band a striking vocalise in the state.

Tea band backers are hot for Republicans to embrace a strong conservative fiscal and ethnic list that could perceive candidates hunt support from the state's growing Hispanic population or its hundreds of dismissed workers. Nevada has the maximal unemployed rate in the commonwealth at 13.6 percent.

State band chairman Mark Amodei also is weighing a congressional run, and the possible race to change him could fuel interior strife.

The Nevada band has been in disarray for years. politico Jim Gibbons, the state's controller until terminal fall, visaged a program of scandals patch in office, and Sen. Evangelist Ensign won't essay another term, dogged by ethics allegations.

Republicans do wager signs of hope. Clark County band Chairman Frank Ricotta said his topical party, which includes Las Vegas, has grown from 200 to 900 members since 2008.

"Things are exponentially building," he said.

And the band is encouraged by potential candidates like Barbour, who said this week, "If I run, I module compete to get Nevada in the caucus and get Nevada in the general election."



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