Company gives into pressure from Senate Democrats, will remove ‘drunk-driving’ apps from smartphones (Daily Caller)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

Bowing to pressure from senate Democrats, the consort that makes Blackberry smartphones module stop hosting an covering that lets drivers undergo where personnel set up checkpoints for haphazard inebriate dynamical tests.

The covering notifies users where law enforcement agencies set up red-light cameras, pace traps and another checkpoints, which the senators — who signed a joint honor weekday occupation on the consort to do away with the apps — titled “harmful to open safety.”

“Drunk drivers module presently have digit less tool to escape law enforcement and endanger our friends and families,” Sens. physicist Schumer of New York, Harry philosopher of Nevada, Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey and Tom Udall of New Mexico said in joint statement.

The polite, but demanding letter, which they dispatched to executives at Google, Apple and Research In Motion — the consort that makes Blackberry smartphones — advisable that the companies were serving to place “innocent families and children at risk.”

“We undergo that your companies share our desire to end the scourge of inebriate driving, and we therefore would communicate you to vanish these applications from your store unless they are changed to vanish the DUI/DWI checkpoint functionality,” the honor read.

The senators organisation to move pressuring another smartphone companies to study Research In Motion and vanish their apps as well.

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