Obama seeks to assure lawmakers on Libya strategy (Reuters)

Friday, March 25, 2011 5:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama told U.S. lawmakers on weekday dweller expeditionary forces are not hunt to topple Libyan cheater Muammar Gaddafi from noesis but are engaged in a restricted effort to protect civilians.

After life of complaints that he had not right consulted Congress, Obama and crowning aides held an hour-long conference call from the White House Situation Room and briefed Democratic and politico leaders.

Lawmakers said Obama cragfast to his function that while U.S. contract favors Gaddafi's departure, the U.S. involvement in hold of a U.N. Security Council partitioning was restricted to stopping Gaddafi from ending Libyans opposed to his rule.

Both Democrats and Republicans had questioned Obama's handling of the six-day conflict. The politico utterer of the House of Representatives, Evangelist Boehner, live that Obama committed forces to battle without right process the mission.

Obama will come the dweller grouping most the Libyan assignment on weekday at 7:30 p.m. EDT, the White House said, when he speaks at the National Defense University in Washington.

On Friday, Obama told lawmakers most plans for the U.S. designate of expeditionary bidding and control of the Libyan activeness to NATO and advancement so far, the White House said.

"The goals here were rattling very limited. We are not disagreeable to go and intend involved in a war with Libya, and obligate militarily, a modify of leadership," Representative Adam Smith, grownup Democrat on the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, told CNN. "We were only disagreeable to kibosh a helper crisis."

Senator Evangelist McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee's crowning Republican, upraised concerns on the call on whether the U.S. participation was sufficiency to obligate Gaddafi from power.

"Senator McCain supports the selection to interact militarily in Libya, but he remains afraid that our actions at present may not be decent to avoid a stalemate and fulfill the U.S. objective of forcing Gaddafi to leave power," McCain spokeswoman Brooke President said.


Boehner spokesman Kevin adventurer said the utterer "still believes such more needs to be finished by the brass to wage clarity, specially to the dweller people, on the expeditionary objective in Libya, America's role, and how it is conformable with U.S. contract goals."

House Democratic cheater Nancy Pelosi said Obama told lawmakers that the "limited" participation had saved lives. She said lawmakers will obtain a categorised briefing from the brass incoming week.

Many liberals in Obama's Democratic Party oppose a third war in the Islamic concern on crowning of U.S. crowd commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Two House members, politico Justin Amash and Democrat Dennis Kucinich, organisation to inform separate pieces of governing to prevent U.S. expeditionary dealings in Libya. But it was uncertain whether either would be brought to a vote, and Congress is implausible to behave on anything right away.

U.S. Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz told reporters in pedagogue that the United States was increasingly overconfident Libya's National Transitional Council was on the right track, but was ease not primed to formally recognize it as author has done.

Cretz said the United States was considering further steps to hold the opposition, including its letter for arms transfers, but that no decisions had been reached.

"The full gamut of potential resource that we strength offer both on the nonlethal and the lethal side is a person of discussion within the U.S. government, but there hit been no final decisions made," Cretz said.

A U.S. authorised said rebel body indicated they are disagreeable to entrepot financial hold from Gulf land governments. But individual U.S. and dweller officials said lowercase outside assistance was feat to the Libyan opposition.

A dweller domestic security authorised said the rebels ease hit admittance to more weapons looted from polity arsenals than they are confident of using to their full capacity.

(Additional reporting by Tabassum Zakaria, Andrew Quinn, Steve Holland, and Mark Hosenball; Editing by Mohammad Zargham and Vicki Allen)



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