US implores nations to urge Gadhafi to leave power (AP)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

LONDON – Secretary of State mountaineer Rodham Clinton is imploring the concern to intercommunicate with a single voice to Moammar Gadhafi and tell him to yield power.

Clinton told an planetary word on Libya's forthcoming that countries staleness work together to ensure that the North African land "belongs not to a dictator, but to its people."

She said weekday that all of the countries represented at the assembling in author "must intercommunicate with one voice in support of a transition that leads to a brighter forthcoming for Libya."

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back presently for boost information. AP's early story is below.

Secretary of State mountaineer Rodham Clinton met weekday with a representative of the African contestant conflict Moammar Gadhafi's program as the Obama brass looked to modify ties with rebel body hunt an end to quaternary decades of dictatorship.

Clinton's meeting in author with Mahmoud Jibril came aweigh of a word on Libya's forthcoming that module be attended by mountain of countries supplying air noesis or making another contributions to the planetary expeditionary state against Gadhafi's forces.

A senior brass authorised said the word module cement the transition in expeditionary activity from the United States to NATO and create a control assemble of nations to point the political effort. Meanwhile, the U.S. module presently beam an diplomatist to Libya to increase relations with body of the rebels hunt to depose Gadhafi, the authorised said.

Chris Stevens, who was until recently the deputy honcho of assignment at the now-shuttered U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, module attain the activate in the reaching days. The advise doesn't represent formal recognition of the opposition, stressed the official, who crosspiece on information of obscurity to handle internal planning.

The author assembling comes a period after President Barack Obama vigorously defended the U.S.-led crusade against Gadhafi's personnel in Libya, declaring that state was necessary to preclude a butchery of civilians. A massacre would have stained the world's conscience and "been a betrayal of who we are" as Americans, Obama said.

Yet the president ruled discover targeting Gadhafi, warning that trying to remove him militarily would be a mistake as expensive as the struggle in Iraq, and said he would keep his pledge to intend the U.S. discover of the expeditionary advance fast.

Susan Rice, the U.S. diplomatist to the United Nations, said weekday "there are non-military means at our disposal" to obligate Gadhafi out, including scheme and diplomatic pressure.

She said on CBS's "The Early Show" that the predominate aim of the dweller expeditionary participation in Libya was to protect civilians and found a no-fly zone. playwright recognized that Gadhafi's expulsion "may not hap overnight."

Appearing on the aforementioned show, Arizona Sen. Evangelist McCain said "I don't conceive it's possible" in the short-term to intend Gadhafi discover without employing expeditionary force.

"Gadhafi in noesis is unacceptable," he said. "We should use any means to bring him down."

In the nation capital, concern powers module come whatever of the questions that have been raised since the planetary strikes against Gadhafi began, from doable last scenarios for the program to plans for the country's post-dictatorship future.

The senior brass authorised said three practical outcomes were expected: recognition beyond NATO of the alliance's newborn activity in protecting African civilians; the creation of a "contact group" to advance enforcement of U.N. sanctions and another political efforts against the Gadhafi regime; and a second activate to the land by U.N. special diplomatist Abdelilah al-Khatib, a former Jordanian external minister.

The authorised advisable that al-Khatib's assignment would be to negotiate the planetary community's cost for a flowing opening for Gadhafi to constituent boost bloodshed in Libya. But the authorised rejected the intent that the African leader of 42 years could escape accountability and a doable struggle crimes effort as part of an agreement for him to go into banishment — an intent floated by whatever in the coalition.



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